Al Roderick

I’d wouldn’t want to own one but I’d love to be able to rent one, either out of a car share service in a busy city where you arrive by plane or train, or pick one up at your hotel on some tropical island for a tool around town.

It’s linked in about the second line of the article.

I can see some pretty clear differences. If you’re only going to be in desert environments then Atlas Fallen is going to be beige throughout. Forspoken has some color variety. Forspoken’s protagonist (for better or worse) seems to have some character to her, whereas if in Atlas Fallen you’re given a choice between

They probably don’t have to spend much money maintaining it, because there are no tiny 18-wheelers destroying the pavement. It's freight vehicles that are the real driver of road maintenance costs.

I’ve played it most of today and it’s become one of those games I enjoy to hate or hate to enjoy? I’ve had fun with it and feel like it’s worth the less than twenty dollars I spent but the fact that you have to go back and run up the score and try to get all of these arbitrary goals in order to unlock later levels

One thing on which we probably all agree is that convertibles are an underserved segment for EVs. Quiet and clean air should be enjoyed. I can only imagine what some sort of new El Dorado convertible from the new electric Cadillac would look like but I’m intrigued to see it. Hard agree on the beetle if it gets the

Clearly he’s a coconut crab. I won’t advise googling that, you won’t sleep again. 

I am loving it so far, it has mixed-use commercial and residential, which is more than I can say for the industry leader. I also like how malicious and negative things can spawn if you don’t watch your adjacency bonuses, and the distinct Chilean flavor that’s baked into some of the details.

Double dash was real good and I wish Nintendo had stuck with the two driver formula going forward, or at least had it as an optional mode in 8 Deluxe.

Conroy also told a great story (it was on the DVD commentary of the Batman: Gotham Knight anime anthology) about volunteering to help out after the 9/11 attacks. They had him working in a kitchen (“I’m an actor, of course I have foodservice experience”) and eventually one of his co-workers recognized his name. That guy

Ghost in the Shell is interesting for being told from a Japanese perspective. It’s not afraid of an ascendant tech powerhouse Japan ruining America, it’s afraid of an ascendant Japan ruining Japan.


It’s because it's so instantly recognizable. You can look at this map in silhouette and know that it's facing worlds. Other better maps have come and gone but they aren't this famous.

I remember seeing a classic WWII training film about how to safely ditch a B-17 at sea (Kinja killed the link, just search Ditch at Sea and Live), and one of the steps in the procedure was to remove or loosen your necktie.

Batman coming off as an asshole in Knight was kind of at the core of the story, he was pushed to the edge by a disease that affected his mind, and not being such a prick anymore was part of the character arc, but he only really resolved it at the end.

Well I think nothing is ever going to be truly decentralized so long as it relies on the internet. Email servers can and do block incoming mails from other servers all the time, it’s just mostly done to bot farms sending spam.

You do get to follow and be followed across the communities, so it’s not strictly siloed like a discord server. Your community is more like your host, they’re the ones providing the space and whose rules you need to follow, but as far as I understand it you can follow or be followed by anyone using Mastodon anywhere.

Zuckuss is in the base game. He’s in the line-up of bounty hunters in the OT, of course he’s in the game.

No, but I have seen some real estate site aggregators get the math hilariously wrong at times, like a house with one full bath and two half baths being listed as having two full. The distinctions between half and three-quarters aren’t used generally, it’s a full if you can shower in it and a half if you can’t, any

The Legend of Zelda is the root of a different genre. Progression blocked by upgrades and a contiguous map aren’t enough to make something a Metroidvania. Genres aren’t meaningful if we define them too broadly, but we also can’t be too strict because there’s no room for growth, but basically you can tell which classic