Al Roderick

Well, Metroid Prime isn’t a Metroidvania. It’s a first person shooter with Metroid elements. If all it takes to be a Metroidvania is a contiguous map with locked doors blocked by upgrades and abilities technically all the Zelda games, 2D and 3D, would be included, as would Jedi Fallen Order. 2D Mario games are a

Ted was always a war profiteer, it's just that his first war was against environmental collapse.

Everybody forgets that they introduced the ship combat in ACIII. It just wasn’t integrated as tightly into the rest of the gameplay which means it was easy to forget.

They’re just now able to make enough safe batteries to resume production while satisfying the recall effort. The bottleneck as I understand it is the service departments at dealerships, they can make batteries fast enough to satisfy the pace of replacements and put the car back in production at the same time.

Second game in a (single player) series should ideally be “the same but more and better refined.” The third or fourth game is when you mess with the formula and add on a secondary gameplay type (say a pirate ship or a batmobile) that divides the community. Then you either end it or redirect back the other way.

It’s useful as an example of a series that used to do things the way Lost Ark does and has been changing that over the last few games, it just calls attention to how blatant Lost Ark is.

The one sport from Wii Sports Resort that I’m missing here is Frisbee, that dog was adorable and I found the challenge of angling the shots just right so they pop the balloons interesting. I also hope the 100 pin bowling mode is back, I love that so much.

The answer is that we need both as alternate triangulation points in our understanding of science fantasy and wonder, and also if your brain is so full of either that there’s no room for the other you need to smell the natural atmosphere. Also it’s fine to hate both, and anyone who hates both just got really smug

Based on the name I’m going to assume that this work is highly Polish in addition to being highly polished.

It’s so far out, it’s in the stratosphere of a completely different planet with a nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere. There.

 Remember when MS used to be subject to antitrust laws? Remember that?

I had thought that sounded lame, just Space Hulk again. Then I went to take a look at it. It’s not Space Marines, it’s a guardsman, a lady ecclesiarch with an effoff hammer, an inquisitor, and an ogryn! That’s so much better than more Astartes. People forget that there’s a deep bench of character types to pull from

I mean, you say that but almost everything else in this subgenre is a zombie shooter, also pretty played out. Also WWII shooters were certainly overdone a couple console generations ago but there really aren’t that many currently. All the classic franchises that were WWII-based switched to modern ages ago with

I’d like to extoll the virtues of a plug-in electric snowblower. (I use a Toro 18 inch Power Curve). If you have access to a long heavy-duty extension cord that reaches where you want to reach, it’s unbeatable. Light weight and easy to maneuver, no smell, reasonable noise level, and it’s always ready to go. It’s not

It runs in a mobile browser. I played it on a phone just now.

This makes no damn sense but I'm looking forward to the hardcore libertarian fanbase trying to badmouth this particular form of selling out while trying to remain bullish on the concept of selling out.

Maybe it isn’t as widespread as I think it is, most of internet culture is written rather than spoken, but pronouncing ctrl as “certle” is a thing that spread around my school back when.

What about the modifier keys? Ctrl>Squirtle for the pun, Caterpie, Metapod and Butterfree on Shift, Snorlax on Pause/Break, Mewtwo on End, Mr. Mime on Home...

It’s in my top five Christmas movies, certainly my favorite that's not a children's movie.

I really regret that motion controls didn’t get embraced and refined more, because the games that used them best were really really good. It’s only in VR now where they get any traction, and none of the VR developers have managed to recapture the magic despite having much better motion control hardware available to