I don’t have any iOS devices, someone do a Warhammer 40K character and see if your iPhone melts.
I don’t have any iOS devices, someone do a Warhammer 40K character and see if your iPhone melts.
Did you Sous-Vide Nessie? Who’s the real monster!
Hey wait a second...
What I want to know is why did GTA get this car before Just Cause 3? Honestly, and I suppose inevitably given how multiplayer inevitably turns into slapstick over time, the antics people get up to in GTAO make it look like the Saints Row or Just Cause online we’re never going to get. Kudos on Rockstar for seeing what…
It was already full of teenage trolls and adults who should be kinder, but there was also constant no-compromise moderation going on. Meaning if you wanted to be funny you had to be subtle.
Other elephant in the room: if there’s a group out there that struggles to be represented as romantically or sexually desirable in global media (i.e. not made in Asia), it’s asian men. Can we let them have one?
Based on his appearance in The Clone Wars he’s more John the Baptist of the light side of the force.
Jesus’ fursona is clearly Aslan, unless C.S. Lewis is lion to all of us.
600 HP of self-heal and a massive zone-out are incredibly valuable. There’s almost never a situation in which I have dVa’s ult, and then don’t use it when my MEKA dies. Because if dVa’s MEKA dies, usually that means most of the enemy team is right there.
Women in art having a severe case of “sameface” is a broad problem, not confined solely to anime or sex games, but it’s especially bad there. If you’ve staked out the boundaries such that 90% of possible faces and bodies are men’s faces and bodies, then a game full of women who have diverse looks is going to cause you…
Haven’t had a chance to try the support in Steam for DS4. Might do so.
Haven’t had a chance to try the support in Steam for DS4. Might do so.
Power over humanoids in his court, humiliating Leia, humiliating Han, humiliating Luke, all in all a good package deal for Jabba in terms of his overall goals. Just really dumb to keep her so close to him and underestimate her is all.
According to HER voice over in her short all she can feel is joy and only when killing. Unreliable narrator. Widow saying or doing something that’s contradictory to that statement isn’t a plot hole, it’s a conflict between how people present themselves and how they are, and that’s true to life.
“Oh, Gerard! If only you didn’t oppose the will of Talon, then you might have been allowed to live! Look what you made me do!”
Reaper’s like sixty years old. One of those adults is either his son or daughter and that’s his grandson, that’s my take.
No, they made her half-Canadian. That’s her dad.
Red Steel 2 for the Wii. It was a Wii Motion Plus title that mixed FPS and motion control swordplay. It was way more fun than that description sounds. Most of the named NPCs were Japanese or Korean (with cowboy accents), the main character was the last survivor of some kind of native American ninja clan.
If they made a multi-sport package game like Steep based around water sports like surfing, water skiing and parasailing I’d be all for it. Just surfing on its own doesn’t seem like enough. If you spent the time and energy to really nail water physics it seems like a short step to switch up the ways the player…
I bet it grumbles a lot about being in a domestic setting but is secretly good at it.
Well, they have McCree as Scrooge, but no Tiny Tim Junkrat? Give him a little flat cap and a motorized death-wreath? Bauble-shooting grenade launcher?