“Dr. Banner? I need you to drop the chalupa.”
“Dr. Banner? I need you to drop the chalupa.”
I don’t know, there’s more variety to the “anime aesthetic” than people give it credit for. Their specific target seems to have been the works of Masamune Shirow (Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed), and that unfinished sequel footage seems to be going the same place.
I’m going to assume a few things, correct me if I’m wrong. Your head sits at about the height that an average able-bodied person is at in an office chair (4 feet off the ground or so), you can’t reach things more than about five feet off the ground, and you can do about anything it just might take you longer. You have…
Lithium extraction is really low impact and relatively clean, and lithium batteries can be recycled over and over again. Ultimately you need materials to build a car no matter what it runs on and it’s always going to come with a tradeoff. Fuel cells take input materials too, platinum group metals for one.
But the electric car would still be better. If electricity is so plentiful it’s near free the advantage of plugging in to the grid vs. making and distributing hydrogen is even bigger.
As I understand it they got super clever with the starters in this one. In their starting form they follow a standard Rock-Paper-Scissors type chain and Hau picks the one that’s weak to yours. But as they hit the top evolution, all of them gain a second type that follows a second RPS chain in the opposite direction,…
Because Boop was Lucio’s thing first, an onomatopoeia for the act of kicking someone off the map with a knockback ability. So it was already an established meme in Overwatch before Sombra used it.
If it’s Beyond Good and Evil 2 then this is master level trolling.
The point it not “white supremacists would flip from Trump to Bernie”, it’s the idea that “some of the half the voters who abstained would have turned out for Bernie”. Remember, the popular vote turnout was, in order, Apathy, Clinton, Trump, Johnson, Stein, Some Guy, Vermin Supreme, Harambe.
Thought the headline said “manure side” and I thought well that’s appropriate.
It’s been said that based purely on population statistics, China has more geniuses than the US has total people. I suspect the same logic can be applied to total number of intolerable fartbaskets. And I bet a lot are in the intersection of that list.
“...stupid terran...” so I’m to take it that she’s either a zerg or protoss player. I’d always suspected zerg.
So I guess the choice to charge you a fee or not is on the carrier, they can choose to eat the cost for you as an incentive to join. Google can’t because they aren’t charging you any money for service to begin with.
Yes, you can port a number from Google Voice back to another service. It entails a fee, just like when you port it to Google Voice. It has to be initiated by the service that’s accepting the number, so you have to ask your new provider to do it.
Brutal Legend used it. I always liked their dedication to their no-HUD look, but it did make it harder to tell in advance where to turn.
I’d be interested to know how they’d balance a mode like this for the full roster, because some of the heroes would absolutely wreck face in this mode while others would be useless. Bastion would turn the whole thing into a snore (press M1 and sit-and-spin), Torbjorn not much better. I can see what Geoff Kaplan was…
Remember the good old days when everything was measured by Cowboy Bebop? Neither do I because everything was actually measured by DBZ, Robotech or Speed Racer depending on when your good old days were but whatever.
What about the lamps that register a touch on any metal part as a switch operation? They’re like magic but only work if you have an all-metal lamp and are easy to mess up by accident.
I know they’re going for pure titillation value here, but I can almost see the edges of something clever through the fog. Artificial person with an impractical oversexualized body, bad shoes and no face struggling to escape her situation and be something else? Over the course of the game she could go through a reverse…