Al Roderick

I don’t know why Blizzard doesn’t own that site. Or maybe they do and intentionally set it to an invalid DNS result on purpose, because I’d expect a fan to have gobbled it up already. It could be that they’re going to do an ARG or something with it when we get closer to a dVa animated short or a Korean map,

You need to get them a craptop PC instead.

Ben Franklin DID shit in a bucket.

They’re pretty much exactly as decent as they need to be to keep the sponsors from getting letters and no more.


It’s a valley. You just fill it in.

It looks like the elevator pitch was “take GTA online and strip out all the murder.” And I gotta say that’s not a bad pitch.

But the people who don’t have the pure reflex twitch skills to succeed that way can still succeed the other way, there’s multiple paths to success that work for different people. He needed to do that, you didn’t.

Now playing

If you have an 8-track, you can get an 8-track to cassette adapter and then plug a cassette adapter into that.

Meanwhile the space combat loop is “get scanned, get attacked, die immediately, fly back to corpse.”

They released Ana hints as well, it’s just the community thought they were all Sombra hints and didn’t figure out until she was released that Ana and Sombra aren’t the same person. They thought Sombra was Pharah’s mother gone evil.

I know this is focused on the consumer market, but I have to tell you that my uncle’s auto parts company loves little compact trucks as around-town delivery vehicles. The Transit Connect is nice but in his business you need the open bed so you can winch big things in and out. This kind of smaller, lighter more

If he went out with premade joke team of six and all of them tried to reach the bottom together I have no problem with that, but the five random people unfortunate enough to get paired on a team with this jackhole every game are right to think this isn’t that damn funny.

Santa skin for winter. Red main and green “father christmas” version. Candy cane yard decoration with a chain of christmas lights for the hook, scrap gun shoots jacks and lego bricks. Cocoa mug (or bottle of coca-cola) for the heal.

When someone on the other team is playing the same character as me I can’t help but end up in a duel with them, and it’s not always me starting it so I know there’s a pride thing involved. Most common is the Rein on Rein, the dVa deathmatch, and the Lucio sonic sumo match to kick the other guy over a ledge (or down

Symmetra’s little chair looks too solid, if they’d made it more like a hologram I wouldn’t care that her skirt clips.

Of course last night in the PTR they were relentlessly spamming it to the point where the replacement phrases themselves became the troll. There’s no fix for this.

Reaper/76 as divorced gay dads is a thing on Tumblr.

Junkrat, Torbjorn and Zarya are the three with a lot of dialogue focused on hating robots. None of the others seem to mind. Remember, Reinhardt was on the team that helped create peace at the end of the first omnic crisis so he must have found it in his gigantic overworked heart to forgive them.

Ah, Zarya. Teamwork makes her beam work. That Kerrigan skin is fantastic, too.