Al Roderick

So you'd say that life sims fall into a kind of uncanny valley? Just different enough from reality that they feel unnerving and wrong? I'd buy that argument.

Isn't she just a darling? It's just full of features that make it perfect for life beyond infrastructure. Built to get around the need for gas pumps, runways, and regular maintenance.

I suspect that you could pull a Harry Turtledove, travel back in time, and successfully build and operate one of these in 1860, with

We're conditioned to movie gunfire being louder and more impressive than real-life gunfire, so when it goes the other way it's a bit jarring.

It's not. It's from the direct-to-video Justice League: Doom. Available on Netflix!

Know what sucks? I can use a nice long phrase for my personal Gmail, but my google apps account at work has a limit. How does that work?

Saint's Row isn't on that list? Shocking.

Kinect was something pretty new. Head-mounted displays aren't, they just needed the technology, price and demand to catch up with them. Sony already makes all the parts they need to build one. I don't know if it would take them the whole hardware cycle to develop, especially if this generation ends up being longer

Hence "just", it's both a controller and a display, so it's wrong to treat it as just a display or just a peripheral. In my case, I just got a new gaming laptop, so this add-on would work great for me. The new compact Steam-PC-console things are supposed to come in at a decent price point and be friendly to gamepad

Sony won't support the Rift. What will happen is that if the Rift is successful Sony will use its hardware division to make a knockoff especially for the PS4.

That is rather the point, isn't it? It's not just a peripheral, it's a display.

He has the slide, that apparently does damage.

You've got em. Ok, that's not quite true, New Super Mario Bros. U is pretty fantastic, Lego City Undercover was fun but not quite 60 dollars fun. From there it's slim on the ground, unless you can tolerate more zombies in this zombie-saturated industry. I can't. If you can, ZombiU is supposedly pretty cool.

A bad megaman game is better than a lot of other games. Disappointing isn't the same as bad. I should probably state that the only MegaMan games I played in the original cartridge form are 3, 4, and the planet-robot themed V for the game boy, which is in my opinion the best overall of the original series. I ended up

Stand corrected proudly.

For the NES fans? Yes it is. Megaman was a game we loved and played exclusively on Nintendo consoles and handhelds from the earliest days, back before any of us really knew what "intellectual property" meant. Five for the NES, five for the Gameboy, that's more than Metroid got in the same time. MM's as much a part of

This is what a lot of french comics are like. French film as well. A lot of them seem to fall flat on execution or plot or structure but it's all about the beauty of the place and the execution of the art of it all. Look at Moebius, or Metal Hurlant (the parts that aren't porn) or the Three Colors trilogy. Beautiful

Give it a winch, some tracked vehicles, and some amphibious stuff and I'm sold.

The ice road, at least if we're talking about the ice route to the diamond mines from season one, has a speed limit of about 10 kph. It'd be like Desert Bus. The show makes it look really tense, and the environment is dangerous, but the driving isn't that challenging, you just drive really slow on a perfectly flat

Your body comes with an entire set of muscles and nerves to do the specific job of orienting your view of the world. This is a way to make that work for games.

Nintendo got too clever. They needed to make it plain that it was a new console, not just an updated old one, since they do that with handhelds a lot. Just make it the Wii 2 or the Super Wii, something to make it really obvious. Hardcore Nintendo fans are always going to understand what's happening, they care enough