Al Roderick

Why? Everything's rectangular and made of hard plastic. Not too difficult. Systems less powerful then Wii U can run Garry's mod and Xplane, and they're really complex.

This right here? The very heart of game design, the plot, mechanics and controls are all melded together. Really looking forward to it.

A lot of the mobile data conservation features in Android are deactivated in the Nexus 7, and I never understood that. It also doesn't let you use the YouTube app's precaching, which would be great for me so I can let it download my subscriptions as they come in and watch them at my leisure despite my DSL's

Come to think of it, Starcraft is almost exactly as old as Homeworld. I think it was a year later. The trend followed StarCraft and Homeworld was off on its own.

You don't need a smart TV device, either. If you open leanback It loads that same TV interface in a browser window, so you can do this on a pc monitor or a laptop plugged into a TV.

Amen. Let's hope that whoever ends up holding the IP will re-release the old games, so new gamers who might not have played them can try them out. That'd make the odds better for a sequel.

I'd say that the popularity of Minecraft would mean that gamers are ready for more games in which one diggy-diggy holes, and Red Faction is the existing IP that could do it. Heck, I'd like to see deformable terrain in more genres. Tunnel-digging 3D RTS, anyone?

You're right, it was a bit unfair, and I didn't really mean to imply that there was no such strategy involved. But you have to acknowledge that the trend in current RTS games seems to be towards small armies and micromanagement over big fleets of slow-moving ships and positional play, and LoL/DotA are the logical

That's the point, everyone DOES make modern military shooters, because those sell, both to the public and to publishers. I'm right there with you wanting more Homeworld, but my main point is that if Relic or anyone else had the will or the publisher support to make another Homeworld game or a near-miss based on a

According to the earlier single player info, Kerrigan as a hero unit has multiple forms she can choose between. In the old alpha footage both of the forms that were revealed at the time used the "ghost suit and bad hair" model, buy I'd suspected that the four forms were going to have different character models. The

Totally agree on Red Faction, by the way. I know that a lot of Garry's Mod and Minecraft players are primed for an open world game like that if it had good multiplayer and a sandbox mode. I'm just sad it was severed from Saints Row, which was hinted to be in the same universe.

Anybody could have made another 3D space RTS if they had wanted to, the fiction in Homeworld isn't that interesting and the mechanics aren't so novel that no one could ever do it again without a license. The genre has sat unused for a long time because those of us who are interested just aren't numerous enough to make

You probably mean amps, not watts. Samsung packs in a 1 amp charger because it's cheaper and good enough to make headway if the phone is operated while it's plugged in, but the phone's charging circuitry can draw more if it's available. A tablet needs a 2 amp charger, because it uses more than an amp to run normally,

"Sign in with your Google account" has been a thing on a lot of sites for a while now (including this one, it's still there) since before Facebook became the default ID card for the internet. This is just Google continuing to expand the G+ brand to existing services.

The Japan point is lifted straight from Bowling for Columbine, but it's stripped of context. When Michael Moore made the point, he was speaking over ten years ago, when Japan was a lot more central to the global games industry than it is today, and it was part of his summation at the end of the film where he was

That's kind of a fair point, but at the same time al Qaeda didn't write the road signs, build the cities, or design the clothes. It might be impossible to find a terrorist consultant, but it shouldn't be as hard to find graphic designers and texture artists who are familiar with the settings and cultures depicted, or

The thing about PSN exclusives, they can market them on the homepage of the store and in the news ticker, all it costs them is the opportunity cost of not advertising something else. They can get ads in front of everyone in a position to play the game on a network they control for free. That's how I found out about

Amazingly, people of a wide variety of ages and skill levels play golf and ride bikes. The challenge level comes from the course and the other competitors, and there are lots of different kinds of both. In a single-player, narrative game, the game itself provides both course and competitors, it's not unreasonable to

I'm actually kind of intrigued by that passage. It's a fairly famous biblical quotation, presumably the writer was quoting verbatim from a Japanese translation of the bible, but when it was translated to English the translators didn't put in the most recognized English form that the anglophone audience would

I had two proper programming classes a decade ago, and I could follow most of what this article was saying. This suggests a few things: you really don't forget too easily, and the basic elements of clean code are so very simple that it's criminal that working pros don't follow them.