Al Roderick

A laser guided bomb could hit a target the size of a manhole cover from thousands of feet up. These guys are good, but not that good. And they're civilian pilots, but I wouldn't be shocked if they were former military guys with decades of experience.

Has about the same latitude as Tennessee, southern Spain, and Okinawa, and all of them have snowy mountains.

That's not too inaccurate for real tank crew in that the commander tends to be the one with the best view and who makes most of the decisions. While obviously the real human guys in an Abrams crew do a lot of real decision making and have specialized skills, for a game they want to keep all actual decisions in the

If a bunch of IT pros collaborated together, pulled off a major hack attack, and said Anonymous did it, then Anonymous did it. That's basically how that works. There isn't a membership card.

No spill-resistant folding bipod? Shame!

They've clarified that. That means not evil to customers, not other businesses. Still this may end up being evil-by-proxy.

Talking on it is the least important function of a smartphone for some of its users. The main advantage I see in a tablet with full phone functions is texting and contact management on a bigger screen. I can see myself (working in real estate) making good use of a device like this as a sort of smart landline I can use

Hardware plus a good enough internet connection to stream outside your home. A lot of providers are crap on the outbound/upstream side (I suspect so they can charge a premium to individuals and businesses that want to provide content instead of consume it). The higher price of a decent upload rate is probably more

Salman Kahn is really pulling this thing together, isn't he? I mean, he's got Vi Hart on board with him now, and his own output is through the roof lately. I'm really looking forward to what he comes up with. His target age group is about 20 years younger than me, but watching the videos he puts up remind me of

TND: Watch the Psychonauts trailer in the Steam store page. That's lifted from the game.

The point is that there's a lot of worse stuff that got sequels funded, and in a lot of cases a game series doesn't dial in on what's good until the second game. Psychonauts was the kind of game that made long-time gamers who know that pattern say "Man, this is a great foundation, the art and characters and story are

I assume Nike must have taken this under consideration, but are they offering a matching running shoe for the other foot (assuming most of their customers are single amputees)? I'd think that it'd be a problem for the athlete if one shoe gripped a lot differently than the other - though on further consideration if

I'd assume getting a proper fit on a flat carbon-fiber blade is easier than getting one for a foot (which are far less standardized).

He posted a link, so he clearly knew it existed. What he didn't know was that it was satire. But actually, I'm inclined to believe he did know it was fake, and just didn't make it clear in his comment on the link that he knew it was a joke.

Because this isn't a commercial. All the various ads have to say "The Big Game" unless they pay the trademark holders (NFL) for the rights to say "Super Bowl." This is news media, so they can say it so long as it isn't in an advertisement.

It's also an interesting divergence point between Europe and China. China never invented glass, even though they were ahead on a lot of other advancements. One theory is that they had perfectly good ceramics and liked hot beverages, so glass for bottles wasn't needed, so no one developed it if they discovered it at

I call BS. Look at the enormous variations in body types to be found in the real Armed Forces. You can't be obese or out of shape, everybody eats the same food, gets the same haircut and training, and wears the same uniform. But within those constraints you still wind up with a huge diversity of appearances, because

He's hosting the new Cosmos series. That's a start.

Yes, but you can't make your own fuel pucks in the wilderness either. If each one only makes 4 watt hours, and you can carry 5 watt hours per battery for less weight and money (and they don't need to use your clean drinking water to make electricity), people will go the lighter route. Or, they'll pack along a solar