
I am curious if this commentator has an autistic child or has been a member of an autistic support community. Would they then shame parents fro trying to understand why their child was normal and then showed signs of this affliction after a vaccination?

For the record, I’m pro-vaccination, maybe not pro in terms of

In truth the Green Party has increased it’s strength and it’s following, the gain is just insignificant, for now... the only way to secure viability is to get on that debate stage and Jill does not strike me a strategic enough to avoid certain issues which will turn off many voters when she needs to temporarily appeal

Right? Let’s shame people for asking questions which might lead to knowledge and understanding. In a RL conversation I can surmise I’d end up having tojust walk away from this person for being so close-minded... SMH.

Allot of us do have our head in the game, and are educated on TPP and GMO’s, Fracking, etc... hence the whole reason we’d even consider someone like Jill Stein. Some things are bigger than just one issue such as vaccines. You have clearly generalized the whole of someone’s support base when it’s composed of