
At 31:30:

He deserved all the awards. Every one of them. Even the technical ones that no one cares about.

Death Proof and Planet Terror are works of modern art. I WILL FITE YOU

You know what, that VR tank line explained a lot of things for me.

I hope the people who feed them don’t go hungry, either!

$62 million dollar operating surplus.

“the spirit that scared you as a child meant you harm, and you will have two more such visitations in your lifetime.”

Ken Bone has a great Twitter account:

Well, considering I’m Black and almost every review I’ve read was written by Black people, including two Black historians, that is not an issue for me.


Yeah but you still have to believe in Xenu in order to buy into all the ‘technology’, so sorry but you’re still a fucking lunatic.

Sarah reading that Jez agrees with her on something. Anything.

So much here boggles my mind, I don’t even know where to begin.

White Silicon Valley Tech Millionaire Unaware He Is Already Part Of The American Elite

Protesters: “We were minding our own business when Ryan Lochte put a gun to our head and demanded money. We were like ‘meh whatver’”

The Blaze is the “media network” that Glenn Beck started when Fox shitcanned him. Essentially this woman works for Glenn Beck.

Act superior if you want, but as someone who doesn't know who Billy Bush is, I feel like the real winner here.

what is wrong with you