
Ugh, to the whole video.

In a week of shitty news, it's baby otter that will save us.

November 7 is actually Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day. So...almonds okay, nuts not I guess.

First, I hope the woman is okay and has a long, healthy life.

RDJ is slowly turning into his hero Mel Gibson.

I don't know what it is, but since Dallas Buyer's Club, Matthew just doesn't look the same.

Dear LeAnne: In about 15 years or so, you are going to be offered a cheesy role, in a shitty Lifetime movie with a cute guy named Eddie. Do NOT accept. Also, there will be a thing called "Twitter". Avoid that as well.

Between the terrorists and the decade or so old story arc, I'd say no.

Sigh. "The Giving Tree" would have prepared me for dating in my early 20s if I'd only listened.

Last week I had to have a colonoscopy. The day before the procedure, I had to take the horrible cleanse everyone must endure before said procedure. Although I never ate any of these items pictured, they are almost a by frame representation of what I purged.

The new US Senate is 80% male and 94% white, with an average age of 62.

My three year old stands like this when she has to "POTTY NOW MOMMY!"