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    Yes, correct.

    It's in no way about realism, it is about accurately depicting the role of the military given the film's premise (even if that premise is wholly unrealistic).

    I admit I didn't pay a lot of attention to the Transformers movies, but I do remember more than a few occasions where US Military forces got absolutely demolished by Decepticons, juxtaposed with a couple token victories.

    They weren't sure until they found the murderer's signed confession a few feet away. Up until then, they'd just been making the more reasonable assumption of "hunting accident".

    Hate to call out a fellow Giz plebe (HA! Just kidding, love doing that:), but I couldn't help laugh at one of the featured comments from the original article on the Miro line:

    Thanks for the response... that is pretty much how I would use the Fire as well, but I don't think my mom has ever gotten into streaming video content, nor blogs or online magazines. Maybe I could get her to read her books on it, but whether that's worth the price of admission...

    As an engineer and proud purveyor of math-y things, I've got to say it's a bit disingenuous to compare scientific literacy to the use of ones native language. Even in those most immersed in the sciences, the ability to communicate is simply more important. They use it in their every day lives, and in their profession;

    Someone convince me this would be a good Mother's Day gift.

    Depends what you mean "go out of business". Volvo was owned by Ford from 1999-2010. Kinda like how Fiat owns Ferrari, except with more airbags.

    Shit... I knew I should have filled up last week.

    Coming from a guy who drives a Volvo:

    Surely you jest. Improvements in fuel economy have absolutely been stagnant since the early 90s, but compared to the 1960's there's no comparison. Modern engines are much, much more efficient.

    Yeah it's $3B more into the "economy" each year, but it's important to consider which part. Oil companies are less in need of that money than the other sectors you mentioned.

    It looks more like a botched controlled emergency landing than a proper "crash".

    "the 727 was brought down by an actual pilot who ejected moments before the impact."

    "I believe the empty threat was "automatic DUI" or something."

    "...lying is NEVER an option... Just say "yes" and give a brief explanation..."

    "Lastly, yes...FSTs are subjective...but, they have been held up in court more often than not."

    In an ideal world, that would be true. An unimpaired driver who is arrested on suspicion of DUI - after giving the officer cause by admitting to drinking - could fight the citation in court, win, and move on with their life.

    So I have to leave the lawn ornaments at home whenever I want to have a drink with dinner? This is bullshit.