On the other hand

Because Serena fans think that the rules don’t apply to her.

“At the French Open in 2017, Ramos leveled Rafael Nadal with a ticky-tacky penalty over a time delay, and Nadal told him he would see to it that Ramos never refereed one of his matches again.”

Although, I agree - men are given more leeway with outburst (especially in the past; today, outbursts are not commonly accepted from either gender), I don’t think Serena’s gender played a role in the series of unfortuane cumulating penalties.

Ramos is an accomplished veteran. He was correct. For Serena to say afterwords that she was “fighting for women’s rights” -?? PUHLEESE. She was absolutely disgraceful, stopping the whole match to repeatedly berate the umpire.


You can’t get personal with an official.  “This is thievery!” is fine.  “You are a thief!” - not fine.  Serena knows this.  Everyone knows this.  Congratulations to Naomi Osaka, who fucking rules.  So does Serena, but she lost, so I don't really give a crap about her today.  

The first claim is reasonable.  The second is just factually incorrect.  Mens players are penalized for similar behavior consistently.  Your head has to be buried deep in Serena’s ass to not understand this. 

Serena was totally at fault... Ramos has a rep as a strict official, as a veteran player you should know who’s calling the game. All the calls he made were technically correct ( her coach even admitted as much after) even if nitpicky. The first call for coaching was a warning and had no impact on the game, it was only

This is reasonable, but what of Serena’s high horse about sexism and being a champion for women? Respecting of course that those are serious matters, do you buy that they were germane last night, ie does this umpire have a history to substantiate these serious allegations about his character, or were they petty

Chris why does this site treat Serena with kid gloves? Similar articles of tennis players melting down and making theatrical verbal tirades against the chair officials are met by scorning the player.

You NEVER yell or scream at the ref/umpire.  Never.  That’s sports 101.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a bullshit call.  It doesn’t matter if they’re being thin skinned.  At the end of the day, they hold more power than you, and yes they WILL punish you if you push them too hard.

Seems like the highest measure of success is throwing a fit like a particularly ornery five-year old, and then being called classy and brave for it.

Another arcticle about Serena Williams that ignores that she THREATENED PHYSICAL VIOLENCE against a line judge and raised her racket against her in anger.

I think the only blameless party was Osaka. The official, Williams and the crowd all share blame for making this a mess. The official was petty and hypersensitive with those calls. I think that Serena Williams was attempting some gamesmanship, trying to intimidate the official and Osaka, who had dominated her in the

This is a better take than last night’s where they didn’t seem willing to even concede 1% of fault to Serena.

As a Serena fan I was severely disappointed with her with how she handled this. She could have handled the situation with far more grace than making an absurd scene, especially when the call against her was not too controversial (it’s easy to see why it was deemed coaching but can also see arguments against it). She

Still on the suspect coaching call even though the coach admitted it over 12 hours ago

People, all she had to do was go sit down and keep her mouth shut. If any of you have EVER played any competitive sports, it is utterly unproductive to badger the referee no matter your feelings. Maybe another umpire wouldn’t call it; maybe they would, but a personal attack on a referee irrespective of the language

Serena was mad, she took it out on him. And the male/female thing is right up this sites alley, but its not the case. Any male would have been penalized for lashing out like that. She went bananas. 

Osaka won? Wow. I kinda wish I watched it.