On the other hand

2017 World Series Champions*

He wouldn’t shut up anyway, but this is such a massive sign of weakness in the face of his insults that you had to know this would only embolden him.

Without the WC game, the A’s are going home. I give no deference to teams that don’t win their division, including even my beloved Yankees.

He’s actually bad. Only person I’d prefer Kay to. They both have such whiny voices - I don’t know what made them think they should go into broadcasting and yet they both have top of their field jobs so what do I know.

Collusion???? GET LAWST

When do we throw you the parade? 

Also, never reach for the first down when the only way you can lose is if you fumble.

You really think he dove into him? You sure he didn’t try to break upfield, get tripped up, and lose his balance head first?

He is an absolute idiot. 

I know we’re all cynical with very good reason, but I bet he does NOT get confirmed.

A lot of internalized misogyny in this article.

To answer her question, almost every boy.


That was objectively a great fist bump though.

That was a great fist bump by Roger Maltbie

This is exactly right.

When I was 15, I walked down 6th Avenue and looked at a beautiful woman to the point of staring. I thought it was what I was supposed to do - like be cool and don’t shy away from eye contact. She gave me a “don’t look at me creep” face. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I like cinnamon raison bagels, but she lost my vote at air conditioning.

About all there is to see here

Imagine being the person who starred that crap