
Prospect Street is a Lovecraft reference. It’s in Providence, RI, and is home to Lovecraft’s old haunted mansion, and various other Lovecraft related historical sites. Like a library that has a Lovecraft plaque, where you start the walking tour! (I had no idea about any of that until you asked, by the way. I am not an

Anyway, speculation corner - the Kid’s the one who’s bleeding, because the gunshot that drew Pangborn to the Deaver house in 1991 was Ruth drawing on the Kid in the present. We’ve got time travel now so why not.

My guess so far is that Henry was sort of a first try at the whole “imprison the devil” ploy, they just got the wrong kid. And maybe Lacey (or the DeJardine guy, or whoever) was helped out by Henry’s dad, who was in reality not such a good person? I really don’t have anything terribly solid to base this hunch off of,

Are you familiar with Stephen King, because yah... This is shaping up like an awesome King-inspired novel in series format and just his style. I think it's beautifully done so far and I'd like to see more of this director's work. 

“Not IT”