
Just a shot in the dark here but… Sexual Harrasment? I imagine she has been within tentacle length of Ailes or O'Reilly at some point…

Costner or GTFO.

Shia LaBeouf of GTFO.

Fuck you sitcom watching dolt. I don't write words I don't understand. Enjoy your sadness… That show was worthless.

My reference infers that I view them as equal… as in not at all. Sorry for your loss, enjoy your sitcoms.

Fine. I withdraw my complaint that it was not funny. The comedy was pedestrian at best and the acting was awful… enjoy the syndication, you will always have The Big Bang Theory to salve your wounds.

Neither, nor.

Did I miss something… this show should never have made it to this point. Aside from Maxim Riot Grrl shoots and burying Chevy Chase what was the point?