
This is contrasted to the cases of NBAers Jeffery Taylor and Darren Collison, who were suspended 24 and eight games, respectively, by the league after pleading guilty to misdemeanor offenses.

Sorry for swapping the e and u in a word, at least I wasn’t peddling misinformation in a comments section I guess, then I would be really embarrassed.

I find the main benefit to not eating right before bed is avoiding acid reflux and getting better sleep.

I think we can rule out Derrick as a suspect if you just review his shooting percentage

When addicts are deprived of the drug of choice they exhibit irrational behavior to secure a fix.

His mistress?

I would root for the Red Sox to win the World Series, but I’m afraid that kind of success would cause the Boston sports fan base to lose the generosity and good natured friendliness that they are famous for, and turn them into a bunch of loud, obnoxious, arrogant, fuck butts.

“This is why you can’t have a woman in charge of important decisions”

Hypocrisy and double standards don’t outrage you? They really should.

B.) Why the fuck did they feel the need to have her dancing to “Booty”. Forget Hough, seems like the producers are simple shits and masters at pigeon holing.

In my virtual kingdoms I’ve put in countless hours to fully gear out my characters. My overwatch gorilla has the finest jackets and hats. My fallout character lives in a beautiful, sprawling city that I custom designed. He even has a stable 401k. I am married to a hulking, horned demon in another game. In the real

Thanks, but I get mistaken for Terry Crews all the time.

I enjoy your work on Brooklynn 99.

“I don’t spend my free time watching the NFL, just clicking on, reading, and commenting on a sports blog’s articles about not watching the NFL.”

I like how one girl shoots another girl and you still find a way to blame boys for it.... as if that even matters at this point.

Someone: “You should spend more money so your product is better.”

But if a man says:

And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.
