The level of hyperbole you invoke in response to a very well-designed argument makes it seem like you’re trying to manufacture outrage rather than come up with a reasonable conclusion.
The level of hyperbole you invoke in response to a very well-designed argument makes it seem like you’re trying to manufacture outrage rather than come up with a reasonable conclusion.
Boko Haram didn’t exist before Obama. #justsaying. The only person/people responsible for Boko Haram are the people and government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which last time I checked, was still an independent country and neither colony nor vassal of the United State or Britain.
It’s really sort of mind boggling how you don’t see that nepotism fundamentally restricts the opportunities for minority coaches.
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.
There was some sleaziness to his plays, but nothing that seemed outside the Tom Haverford playbook of overreaching. Certainly nothing that constitutes coercion.
The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.
If Rivers is a Hall of Fame QB just because his numbers stack up against guys from a whole different rules era, while not keeping pace, at all, with the likes of Brady, Manning, Brees, and Rodgers, and other guys like Big Ben even, then the HoF needs to re-evaluate. He was a solid “hall of very good” candidate. And…
“Sad story but I’m going to be an asshole anyway.”
Beep, borp, hello fellow hooman.
Pretty sure that “jerk from Butler” is actually the mascot of Georgetown University — hence the big G in the center of the court, the large HOYAS painted near the sideline, the large “GEORGETOWN” painted on the baseline, the Georgetown flags being waved by the fans at the end, the fact that the video was posted to…
When you become outraged at everything, you are outraged at nothing.
The sheer randomness of their inception, though, means it would be totally fine if we one day decided to change them, too.
This is fucking stupid.
Well yes, but this isn’t about watching basketball. Burneko is upset because the storylines on his favorite soap aren’t as interesting as they were last year.
As someone who spent a lot of time, um, watching actual basketball, I can say that this season hasn’t sucked. The basketball was really good this year! James Harden leaned hard both into his heeldom and defenders coming around screens, Russ was historically great, the Warriors were honestly even more a terrifying…
Want to know how many police officers are employed in various parts of the country and compare that against crime rates? Want to know how much revenue is brought in from parking tickets and the cost to collect? Want to know what percentage of Americans suffer from diagnosed depression and how much the government…
Rich Man Confronts Privilege With Attempt To Change Money In Politics, Local Concerntrarian Retaliates With Slate-tier Snark
Man does good thing. Blog that agrees with his conclusions mocks him anyways.
All things considered this is actually pretty cool and good?