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    I have a small bag that I bring on any trip that I will be driving a rental car. In it is: (1) USB charger (2) Phone charging cable (3) Phone mount (4) Cheap dashcam (5) Disinfecting wipes. For the US I also have a box of toll transponders (EZ-Pass, Sunpass, GoodToGo, etc.)

    I have a small bag that I bring on any trip that I will be driving a rental car. In it is: (1) USB charger (2) Phone

    I think the incentive is too broad. If we are looking at basic electric cars, I am okay with pushing the masses to adopt them with an incentive of some sort. But when we’re talking about a $75,000-$100,000+ electric car, no we should not be paying for someone else luxury car purchase.

    I take my car to the auto car wash during the winter time that uses the same tap water I drink at home. Swirls on my paint’s clear coat will buff out. Rusted chassis parts will not.

    I wanted to get a motocycle, but didn’t for three reasons: (1) Crappy NYC drivers who cut me off in a car let alone on a two-wheel vehicle, (2) Can’t really ride half the time of the year, (3) My friends and family decided on an intervention when I made this decision to buy a motorcycle...

    Some people are just d-bags. Just the sad fact of life. I do like the black cat though.

    AAA is better than just for roadside assistance. I have Premier and free passport photos, IDP, discounts everywhere, all has paid for itself every year.

    I love this show. Maybe they’re scripted, maybe they’re not. All I know is they are relaxing to watch even when they make out. And I love the no-bars who-gives-a-hoot non-PC commenting.

    That’s F’d up.

    Looks like you had lots of fun though.

    Let’s see: NSX front, McLaren rear, Veyron sides, i8 lights and wheels. Really is a parts bin special. Remember Hyundais of old?

    Except the tax payers are the ones who will be paying the bill. 

    American Express is most certainly a bank. ;)

    At least their kid isn’t named AAAAA on hopes it’s first on every list that is alphabetical in nature.

    I’ve seen maybe onecar to this day who knew how to signal in a roundabout instead of just slap their brakes and honk.

    I folded this year. I got winter tires. I didn’t get new rims though. $1000 on winter tires I can do. $2000 for rims I’ll use 4 months a year I cannot. I’ll just pay to remount and balance every time I need to change. 

    Ship my car to the UK and drive to China through Russia.

    Some lawyers will “help” the young teen sue the NYPD for a couple million dollars, they’ll settle, the lawyers will be couple million richer and the kid will get considerably less.

    Let it dance until you’re out of warranty and $10k. 

    There is a worse saying among rich second generation Chinese kids: Canada Goose is for the poor kids. To be respected you need to wear Moncler.

    Don't forget BMWs now use that stupid electrically actuated parking brake. And yes it's failed before.