
My mom switched to Diet Coke many years ago, and has long since become so accustomed to the taste of aspartame that she finds the regular stuff - made with HFCS, sugar, whatever - unpalatable. It's really strange. Meanwhile, if I, a normal person, accidentally take a sip of that diet shit, I tend to recoil in horror

Curt is clearly dissastisfied with the current fossil record. All those missing transitional fossils and prehistoric species. Scientists have not yet caught 'em all.

Yes, and have you seen a child that small eat? Especially at the portion sizes that most toddlers can handle, drunkenness off of fish will not be an issue.

It WAS a misunderstanding - if you read the story, you'll see that the lady thought her child would get drunk off of the fish because alcohol was used in the batter. I'm pretty sure that beer-battered fish won't give you a buzz.

The secret shopper lady wanted to know if the fish would get her child drunk. It wouldn't have.

RIGHT?? I mean, even if the negative review just had some vague accusations of the server being rude, but without specifics (and I think that's giving the maximum benefit of the doubt to the management here), that would still mean they fired an employee over ONE complaint. If they knew that involved a misunderstanding

"But for real, guys, NO cracked crab, okay? Haven't you heard about what those poor little crack babies go through?"

Ugh, fuck that secret shopper lady. I don't really think that misconceptions about foods cooked with alcohol are all that uncommon, but how could you possibly turn your server helpfully (and, from this account, politely) answering your question into a bad review? And a bad enough review to get them FIRED? That's by

Two commentors on that post think the recipe sounds really good and they're going to try it. Oh please please PLEASE let them also be part of the ruse. Barf.

It wasn't so much the gist of the post that tipped me off that it's likely satire, but the fact that she actually went ahead and tossed "penis" in there instead of going for some cute metaphor about preserving the woman's purity or whatever.

Also, I'm fairly certain that that entire blog is satire anyway.

Came here to post the same thing. It's pretty clear from many, many of the other posts on that "blog" that it's satire. My main tip-offs were the blogger's desire to find a "mumps party" to take her kids to, and the quick-dinner casserole recipe that consists of frozen fish, garlic hummus, black-eyed peas, canned

Seriously, knock it off with the grey uniforms already, sports people.

Oh for sure, anyone would have been better than Tillis. It just felt like there was so much apathy that made a lot of people stay home entirely, and maybe this wouldn't have been as much of an issue if there were a candidate that more people were excited to vote FOR, as opposed to just voting AGAINST someone else. I

To be entirely fair to North Carolinians, in the Senate race our choices were: 1) Fucking Shitass Piece of Shit Fucking Asshole Thom Tillis; 2) some Libertarian dude who hardly anyone had ever heard of; and 3) Kay Hagan. Oh yeah, Kay Hagan was the one who spent all her ad money on TV spots where she talked about how

I don't trust people who put an "H" in "Tom" any more than I trust those who tack an extra "G" onto the end of "Greg". By which I mean, not at all.

McConaughy's character's daughter is a child in the beginning of the movie before he leaves Earth, but because of time dilation issues due to deep-space travel, she ages rapidly relative to him.

All the trailers/previews I've seen on the movie show McConaughy's daughter being a child when he and the crew first leave Earth. Later on in the movie, there are I believe some time dilation issues (due to high-velocity deep space travel) that make the daughter age rapidly relative to her dad. That's where Jessica

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

This gif really needs squeaky chew toy sound effects.