Feminist Whore

June 20th!! Why, that's MY birthday!! Woot.

@DontFearTheReefer: Ok, then I guess you don't want to see the pics of my newborn naked mole rat.

Squee! Too cute. Really, it's like Evil Genius level cute.

On July 29th it will be the 5 year anniversary of my mother's death. I miss her so much.

Hearst and co. are capitalist pigs? Surely you jest:

When I started doing incall a friend and I were discussing general issues of safety and the subject of gun ownership came up. I said I was just too nervous that a 'bad guy' would end up shooting me with my own gun if I had one. My friend suggested that I just buy a box of bullets and display them prominently on my

I loved me some Kathleen Woodiwiss back in the day when I was 12-13 or so:

A dishonest politician? I am appalled.

Yay for June! June 14 - lost my virginity & June 20 is my birthday

Wow, sounds much like Citizen Ruth, an awesome movie that everyone should see. []

""- study shows that almost half of the characters on children's programs are at a "normal weight."

: @KarmaChameleon: That thread was so annoying. Does the 50th person who says "Duh you shouldn't run out of gas" not realize that they are the 50th person? "Oh ok, thanks, I didn't quite understand that the first 49 times I heard it, but you, number 50 have made it clear - That I should NOT run out of gas. Now I see

@Suzi: She wasn't trying them on... I don't know why people assume that, I pointed it out on consumerist, you have to read into the court documents and it umm well it's at bottom here []

YAY I cannot tell you how riled up that post had gotten me. The comments in general on consumerist are becoming more and more sexist everyday. And regardless of my user name, I'm not usually all that militant about that sort of stuff. What gets me most is the total 7th grade level of the "jokes" and snarky comments

And she's over 50!!

@thinwhiteduke: " no chick has ever even noticed the illuminating door sills "

@BabyJane: The worst part is that they could use a toilet if'n they wanted to, they're just stubborn.

aww I saw this before, it was kinda heartbreaking