
Thinking that Keurigs are wasteful isn’t a mutually exclusive position with thinking that you shouldn’t boycott them for the sole reason of them being opposed to child molestation.

Other people who shot the videos appear to be under the impression that destroying the Keurigs will make liberals angry

good point but a camera + a phone + a tape measure + a flashlight. After a while, I look like batman.

They’re anti-pc and hate snowflakes until someone hurts their fee fees. Then it’s the end of the world and we need the government to stop their suffering.

It’s almost as if these people want a place where they don’t have to deal with protesting, say, a safe space if you will.

The Venn diagram of “Gizmodo readers” and “4chan/Reddit fuckwits” has always had some significant overlap. Trump has emboldened them, true, but they’ve always been around to some extent.

They aren’t disrespecting our country. That’s faux outrage. If they were goofing around, talking or anything else during the anthem, that would be disrespectful. They are solemnly showing disdain while still showing reverence for the flag and the country. They are more American than anyone who has a problem with


Came to say the same thing. my first thought was “Is 911 not a thing anymore?”

Exactly. There’s recourse for people who are victims of local crimes and anything that gets to the federal level will involve this old timey group called the F.B.I.

The whole idea of this is kind of baffling, how do you even know if the person is removable? Do you have their documentation or something? Or are you just supposed to call if the person is brown?

Frankly Im thoroughly flabbergasted and disappointed that no ones gone in on this one with reporting the Chupacabra... brb I have internets to win today.

The VOICE Office provides information to citizens and non-citizens alike regardless of status, race, etc., whose loved ones have been killed or injured by removable aliens.

How is pranking these assholes hurting victims?

well, he is a human being, and humans do make mistakes, which is normal. Don’t make the mistake of idolizing him like he’s perfect and godlike. What matters is how people react after they’re being called out after making a mistake or messing up on something.

“No it is to develop a metric to understand influence networks based on proximity graphs.”

Personally, I’d like to know the entanglements of reporters who are pretending to be unbiased purveyors of truth...

Of interest, tea partiers called themselves teabaggers - before they realized why it was a terrible idea and quickly abandoned it - because they were “teabagging” politicians by mailing them tea bags to protest taxes. It’s probably safe to say that no one on the Left has enthusiastically adopted “libtard” - an awful

I’m not saying that the left should accept the status quo any more than the right would. I’m arguing more that the system itself is broken; it is now, partly by accident and partly as planned, an adversarial system with hyper-partisanship to ensure that we never make progress.

“When a candidate takes winning for granted...”