
The irony of President Trump and his ilk being able to spout of whatever bullshit they like with zero consequence because they’re just “tellin it like it is” while literally anyone that says anything against them has to apologize and grovel for fear of an angry backlash from mouth-breathing morons is... well, I don’t

There’s that “liberal bias” I keep hearing about at ESPN. Luckily, we have heroes like Clay Travis and Britt McHenry to defend to good name of Preside...sorry, can’t finish, vomiting out of my eyes.

One time I got so frustrated playing Ninja Gaiden I burned a cross on my neighbors lawn.

I imagine the same people who think racial slurs are okay when yelling at a video game also don’t think they have anger management issues with they throw $75 controllers across the room when they lose.

You would think so but this man is a multi-millionaire who made his money filming himself yelling into that Internet void. If he can’t understand that his words on the Internet have meaning then what makes you think a basement dwelling troll will?

I can’t count the number of times I’ve been called a n****r or a f***ot by some 13 year old twerp after ganking them in CS or some other online game. After a while it just became funny but that’s probably because I’m white and straight.

You don’t really have any place judging the community that really helped define the AV Club for more than a decade. It was a vibrant, very unique and friendly; intelligent, dark and deeply funny satiric conversations - back-and-forths which were incredibly amusing - and plenty of really serious conversations. It was a

I don’t bring it up in my comments, but every time I navigate here it bothers me. Because this is garbage.

And in real life.

His corruption is very high. The highest. I mean high. You wouldn’t believe how far up the corruption goes.

He’s a guy that wrote an article on HuffPo that has gotten some traction around the internet, largely because of how dumb it is (I saw it elsewhere and have already made fun of him for crashing his bike so much and blaming it on a city). It’s pop culture because of that.

Watch out, Itchy—he’s Irish!

As insufferable as these excerpts from Clinton’s book are, attempting to blame the person who dared to run against you in a primary that was intended to be a coronation (and who ultimately fought with kids’ gloves, merely insinuating that you were corrupt instead of calling you the war criminal that you are) is an

The flops sucked. Maybe you should make better movies, instead of blaming people for telling the world how many of your movies sucked?

Nixon made peace with China, brought the EPA into existence, and developed successful anti-poverty programs. He also did a number of monstrous things, like the Southern Strategy. But Clinton’s not Nixon, in fact she helped to take him down. Politician’s I don’t like (with valid reasons) can do good things.

I’m in the exact same place. I’m not a Clinton fan, but I respect her abilities and influence. She could do a lot of good with it, instead of relitigating the past.

Unlike some other commenters here I don’t begrudge Clinton staying in public life. She could help us move forward and heal the divisions on the left in a way few else could, helping to unite progressives, centrist Dems, and persuadable independents. But instead of doing that, she’s looking back, reopening instead of

[sees how terrible Kinja still is]

Yep. As someone who finds South Park at it’s peak (which is usually when it focuses on the kids and keeps it’s nose out of politics) one of the funniest shows of all time, those are reasons 2-4 why it’s so hard for me to actually endorse the show (number one with a bullet, though, being it’s shitty, centralist,