Alpha Cheese

Although i post occasionally here im mostly a lurker. But i just want to say i love you all and this is my favourite spot on the internet. Nothing even comes close

Nice! Ill check it out after work. Same discord and game name for me

EDIT: DL gave me a link to a discord server for the av club. I havent checked it out yet but here it is if you guys want to hanggggg.…

Can we stary a discord or something for PUBG? Im willing to play with anyone here regardless of skill. The only condition is you cant be a racist sexist homophobe.

I recently opened up a place called Thai-po. Customers were disappointed to find out it was a print store.

The McElroy Brothers are guests on July 24 for all you interested nerds

flag burning time, baby.

I picked up this game too because of the Polygon series. I'd be willing to squad up with you if you can promise me you're not a homophobic racist— I got no one to play with and there's been too many rounds where I have to bail after learning a squadmate is an asshole

I picked up PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and man oh man what a ride. For anyone who doesn't know, it's a survival game where you parachute down on an island with 100 players and fight to stay the last alive. The map grows smaller as time passes.

Don't forget that Adventure Time is pretty much the same thing with the "Mushroom War"

Yeah I even tried muting it, but all the cheesy sweeping shots made me close the window

I would watch a buddy comedy featuring Tyrion Lannister and Bronn.

I've been calling them crabapples! Why didn't anyone tell me— I've been making a fool of myself!

RAISES the question. Not BEGS the question, Clayton.

Fuck Chris Brown and Fuck Casey Affleck. This is the first I heard of Sean Penn though. From what I've read, Madonna has stated that those allegations are false and outrageous back in 2015

I was born in 88 but grew up on the simpsons. I took like a three year break from anything simpsons and when i came back fresh I noticed a lot of references that went above my head.

I was so proud of myself as an adult when I rewatched that episode of The Simpsons and understood the reference

Please keep making these articles AV Club.

I think this is exactly what a lot of people discount when it comes to white-washing. just because someone in asia feels fine with it doesn't mean you can freely take a much needed job away from an asian-american.