Don't tell me. let me guess. this is in Arkansas...
Don't tell me. let me guess. this is in Arkansas...
wow, imagine if the truck could be equipped with all this stuff at once.
awesom video...
How about an article on 6 reasons why the results of anyone's work efforts should be free?
Sort of like watching an evil McGyver.
Sounds like typical bitchy teenage girl crap. Lie, cheat, steal. Doesn't matter.
Man without the feathers that's one ugly bird.
Here's a flash Zuck. Give $5000 to some college students and get something equal or better.
That's not exactly right.
Hey, I've had a photo of my nuts hanging in the pentagon for almost 16 yrs. Big deal...
With teeth like those you're gonna have a lotta tough days...
Would have been coller if they grew him a goatee...for sure.
Do no evil except don't mind us. Nothing to see here. Move along...
that is for sure the cutest cat I've ever seen.
At least the comments made about doing a better job to take care of people (ala food) seem somewhat encouraging.
Alright, come on. Ashton's at least a good enough actor for this and he looks a lot like Jobs.
absolutely fantastic bit of work.
That's about as geeky looking a pair as you're ever likely to see.
I've heard the best treatment for best cancer is fondling.
Google Glasses = Beer Goggles.