They need one of these at Cedar Point.
It's amazing that for the low, low price of $5 you can get a bunch of people to wear crappy T-shirts for a photo. Perhaps fear of being fired helps too.
Another overpriced piece fo unnecessary crap that our tax dollars are paying for because bureaucratic parasites in the pentagon and elsewhere are being bought off by military supplier lobbyists (who they will eventually join after they retire from their cushie government jobs).
He's been the pilot on 38 of the previous 37 dives???
Of course he tweeted it. He's looking to have soeone killed. Knows he can hide behind not being the one with the gun and that he "didn't know" murder would take place by inciting violence.
A REAL coward and promoter of violence tweets addresses "hoping" for violence and other crap in the first place.
What I find is that if I get too jacked up on coffee I have trouble focusing on work and therefore get less productive. That's usually after about 3-4 pots.
This is the type of thing is "fringe" possible and the kind of "conspiracy" theory thing that people would want to believe and maybe would be possible (right after we find a parallel Earth).
Liar, liar, liar.
Yes and Ignorance is Bliss and so on...
How about Apple giving up saying "we don't want to use the de facto connector the rest of the world uses" and switching to USB. And maybe, just maybe, supporting CF or some other standard form of storage expansion.
Perhaps it's millenia of inbreeding that have made cattle so stupid.
Sorry, but who says Google has a nice guy image.
Welcome to Disney.
Getting caught in a crack is hardly piercing the hull, which at 2000 feet deep would have been pretty damn noticeable (as in they wouldn't have been considering what to do).
Clearly a rip off of Pat O'Brien's in New Orleans. I'd sue.