
Seriously. Guy’s a moron and this would have happened in an IRS setup as well. No back end bs is going to save you from being stupid. Pathetic...

So late to this party but I’ll just leave this article here.


This, this right here. I know Rand Paul is supposed to be over the top but given the Trump Administration’s antics, I’m not even the least bit surprised that Rand Paul did a scavenger hunt. It’s crazy, except now a days it seems pretty much the norm. That is indeed terrifying.

Thank you! I mean seriously, if you know it’s a big deal, don’t lie about it. Explain it and in full detail. But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Sessions had to lie. Good, I didn’t like him anyway but glad he dug his own grave. Flynn and Sessions are not going to be alone. Trump

No kidding right? I mean no one sat there and said, uh, hey guys, we might want to take this ethics course on you know... how to not say or do things that are unethical since we have such little experience with Office handlings.

Can’t agree more. Which is why people need to call into Voice and flood the lines of some guy cut me off on the road. He looked like a white immigrant. Flood the lines with obnoxious claims and jam them up. This VOICE is ridiculous and will become a waste of time/money/effort and just breed more hate/fear/racism.

Keep turning up the heat on Sessions. He will eventually fold just like Flynn. Unbelievable that he lied in his confirmation hearing. This is utterly ridiculous.

It’s on. I’m personally looking forward to hearing from Smith, Gohmert, Poe, Ratcliffe, and Farenthold today.

Hahahaha! I’ll take People who regret voting for Trump for $500 Meg.

Just great, another way the Trump Family gets to bleed us dry... Awesome...

So.... they have to dumb down the meetings for him. Are these in the form of pictures and maybe a pop up book each morning?


This is great though. Watch them just sit there and turn on each other and block each other out. The Trump Administration is just like a barrel of crabs each one dragging the others down.

“The White House, though, seemingly did nothing about it until media pressure became overwhelming and Flynn’s position became untenable. In other words, Flynn wasn’t fired for possibly having broken the law and/or lying, but because the media found out he’d possibly broken the law and/or lied.”

Wouldn’t have happened if they had just built a wall....

This has completely made my day. Thank you so much, I laughed way more than I should have at this comment. Have all the stars!

Completely agree. They are however going to have to watch their livelihood get systematically dismantled in front of their faces so there’s that. People need to be held accountable for their actions. Teachers who voted for Trump will not be alone in realizing how dumb their votes were.

This. It’s a storm just brewing up and one little thing happens and then radical measures will be taken. I wonder when internment camps will be a thing, you know, just to extremely vet and carefully watch every person of another race. What if we piss off Mexico so much that it comes down to hosting “Freedom Towns”

Will someone please get this guy a friend so he stops messing with the rest of us? Seriously.