
Thank you. I seriously cannot wait for these people to start shopping at Grocery stores that charge more due to an import tax, or have to private school their kids because DeVos destroyed public education. I can’t wait for them to sit there and realize that they are doubling down for not only daycare, but private

What you need to do is set up a gofundme to hire her and Trump a personal fact checker that stops the misinformation from spewing out of their mouths.

Please keep writing about these things. I don’t want them any more or any less, but please keep updating us. Word needs to spread about these issues so just keep doing what you are doing.

Infiniti Q50... Luxury, Sedan, Reliable, Under 60,000, Hell even go Red Sport if you want the horsepower. Rides like a dream, you’ll get used to that steer by wire thing, and it’s awesome inside.

Looks like a lot of junk in the trunk $kay...

I really don’t understand. Why are they putting up a wall? That is a lot of money, and albeit if the article is correct, a lot of tax payer money going toward something as trivial as a wall?

Hitman: Agent 47 was great, er, the parts I remember of it anyway. Can confirm I had a hangover the next day.

What a time to be alive!

So much this good sir. My budgets for clothes, eating out, etc... are pretty low. GF wants to go somewhere, fine. But I pack my lunch, I try my damnest to save money when I can. That being said. Car budget is everything to me. I like that I have a smile on my face when I go into work on my daily commute. I like having

You guys should be more FLEXable... learn to take the EDGE off.

Did anybody else watch this, see the reverse lights, and immediately think of the reporter and the old man who drove right into flooding water.

You have to dream bigger Takuro, Ford Mustang needs to be the first automobile to run over alien life. This is only the beginning...

Wasn’t this the thing that replaced people with robots and tried to kill batman in the cartoons?


Go to the original article where this was first reported, I asked the same question. Someone answered but at the moment I have forgotten. But with a little leg work you could know too... eh? eh? Ugh, fine.

Pro-Tip: If you are in Houston then stay off the roads. I don’t need you guys running into me.

So much this. I want a Mazdaspeed6 back in the works. That was going to be my dadmobile if it ever came to that.

Agreed, I like Ford, but their Dealers are complete garbage. Customer Service is low and the Service department is knowledge lacking. Sorry if this hurts anyone’s feelings but the dealership experience at Ford sucks. The brand itself comes out with amazing things and tech, getting said things and tech is quite painful

Could always get a Miata? Now you sound like my parents Kristen... and I don’t want a Miata! I want the RX-9!

What Ford Sync system is coming in with it? I’m guessing the 3.0 version?