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I once owned a Chevette. (Don’t laugh it was $100 and started under it’s own power.). I don't think there is any amount of reinforcing you could do to make it track-worthy. I never got it above 55 because it started shaking so bad I thought it would fall apart.

Lots of talk about using high tech directed energy weapons to take out low tech threats... What about a low tech response... Couldn't you take out most of these things with nets?

Dang. Now I really have a craving for a patty melt.

I'm surprised this is illegal in Allen. I see horses at McDonald's drive-thru's in El Paso pretty often and nobody seems to care.

When was the last time you saw a two-door SUV?

God that interior looks so damn bland. perfect.

No Ron Burgundy GIF yet. I disappointed in Jalopnik commenters today.

Could be regional. I don’t think they sold that well here in Texas to begin with. I think they were poorly cared for because the original Saturns had a reputation of running forever on minimal maintenance.

My Subaru Outback is the same way - there is a hatch unlock button on the fob, but you need to open it by pressing the button and lifting the hatch. I asked the dealer what the point was when she was going over the vehicle at delivery. She claimed that it was for safety. Apparently there were complaints of folks

Like? Not liked? As in you have a still-running Ion? I thought all of these had ended up in junkyards by now... I can’t remember the last time I actually saw one out on the road.

Huh? Htc still exists? Cool story bro.

Thanks for sharing. I think more people need to see these kind of numbers. Mine are very similar to yours. When kids or college students hear what my salary is, they can't believe that it barely coveres the bills - because they've never seen the complete breakdown you listed. Usually we are one big unexpected

Does it have 2 doors on the passenger side like a Veloster? I think that would be perfect. But I loke weird thing which I guess I why I hang out here.

Seriously this is Jalopnik. The only way anyone here would give a shit is if they made a diesel wagon version or put at least 400 hp in it.

You are probably right, but a big part of the complaining is coming from GM going on record about how much better this new Malibu was going to be. They raised expectations and when you don’t meet them you open yourself up to criticism.

Yup. A wagon has roof between the C & D pillars. On a hatchback the C & D pillars connect at the top. Therefore this is a hatchback.

I hate this. You can’t get this car with a manual, so what is this thing doing here? Put it on the column or make it electrically operated with dashboard buttons and give back a little storage tray here. I know the spot the norm, but I just don’t understand putting the shifter in this spot unless the vehicle is

Yes. He did a 3-episode mini-series on BBC2 called "Idris Elba: King of Speed" where he went around the world looking at underground racing scenes. Talked a little bit about being a gearhead. I believe his first job was at a tire shop. I enjoyed it.

I used to have a blackberry pearl Fit. I do miss that color. Car was all sorts of meh though so I don't really miss it. I wish they would make a blackberry Civic Si.