FTTOHG Has Moved to

Yep. So much power for so little cost. If VW would finally replace the 5-speed with a 6, I would seriously consider getting a SportWagen and chipping it over a GTI.

we need more of these kind of articles.

The Mitsubishi dealer here has a giant banner out front that says "FASTEST GROWING ASIAN CAR BRAND IN THE U.S."

Their site is down... DOS'd by Jalopnik readers?

I remember this from a certain message board back in the day. The idea was that CAPTCHA was using scanned words from a large out-of-copyright book-scanning project that OCR wasn't recognizing due to faded letters, warped pages, etc. Basically they didn't even know what the second word was and they were using free

Pretty sure this was a Suzuki motor in a Suzuki car that GM rebadged, not a GM design.

Hopefully the tires were free too, because they won't last that long.

When I was 14 in 1998 I saw this Car and Driver cover on the newsstand and picked it up instead of the usual Nintendo Power and never looked back.

Looks like the got rid of the seat, but left the child seat LATCH anchors... laziness or are you supposed to use them as tie-downs?

I've used this kit. It's a lot of effort, but it works well. Way better than any of the one-step polishes.

I've used this kit. It's a lot of effort, but it works well. Way better than any of the one-step polishes.

Amid Audi's other Geneva Motor Show debuts, the first official photos of the electric R8 e-tron dropped this morning as well. Am I crazy for liking it a little better than the gasoline-powered R8, in terms of looks?

In 1984 nobody was asking for a unibody SUV-crossover, but we got one and it was brilliant.

It looks good... but I think swoops like this aren't as dramatic in real life. The lighting in the photos is designed to bring them out -but by the time they are toned down for production and covered with a little bit of road dust it will be just another anonymous blob. The Mazda5 comes to mind here -the surfacing

Yeah I knew right away it was awful so I went elsewhere... but it makes me wonder - are there people out there with good credit that just don't know any better? Is it just a Carmax thing?

Indeed it does. Heck, if I wanted to finance an old car with a personal loan I could get an unsecured personal loan up to $20k with my credit at 7% or less if I shopped around. His loan is definitely secured by the car, though. His credit wasn't good enough for anyone to give him a personal loan big enough. Having

To hear him tell it he has a pretty standard car note, but the max length they would go is 48 months. Rate is something like 8% but he bought it less than a year after we hired him right out of college so he didn't have much credit history. I remember him saying he had his mom consign it.

Have fun replacing your brake pads every 10k from the ST's "torque vectoring." I get what you're saying about being more worried in the Porsche, but the ST hasn't exactly proven to be a low maintenance car out of the gate.

A guy I work with managed to get Wells Fargo to finance a 1997 SC300 with 80,000 miles and $0 down so I'm guessing it wouldn't be too hard to get a note for a lot of the cars Tavarish posts.