Exactly. This is another useless “hack” for millennials who never learned to adult.
Exactly. This is another useless “hack” for millennials who never learned to adult.
I’ve seen thicker skins on soap bubbles.
Don’t bet on that.
Well, there is this guy. And he has a rocket. And he has a plan to prove the flatness thingy...
How to zap your sponge:
Different water content, likely.
“Hey”- Munich.
Or for 12 dollars:
Tip #1: Be American.
He always sounds like a non-native speaker. Like he has an idea of what he’s trying to express but can’t find the right words and turns of phrase and just ends up YOLOing it.
Yeah. We don’t use them for security blankets around the house or for the walk to the mall though.
It means Hamilton should give it a shot and provide the world with some more data points so that we can triangulate what it *really* means. If anything.
Trying to convince my wife that just cleaning for 10 minutes a day is easier than going on an all out cleaning rampage once a week.
See, you’ve already lost people when you don’t know that it’s a Louis Vuitton bag in the pic. If you don’t know the brand, then you’re probably not going to be a reliable source of information on the specific details of the craftsmanship and quality of their items.
I’m sorry, how is spending $90 for a single tumbler not flashy spending? A $5 glass tumbler from anyplace will last you a lifetime if you don’t drop it (and yours will shatter just as easily if you do).
Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.
I would tell him, "Youabian ridiculous."