
Arkady spray-painting the "abort" signal on all of the Soviet Embassy cars, back in Season 1, is still one of my favorite moments of this whole show. I fucking love that guy.

I've been thinking the same thing since, well, the pilot. But I think it's a little too late now.

They didn't know about the General Hospital thing! This is the absolute greatest. Joe and Joel, thank you. Erik, thank you.

Wait, the Camaro is an AUTOMATIC?!?

I clicked on this article hoping for a rock opera from Titus Andromedon. Now I'm horribly disappointed.

My dad said (says!) it a lot.

I'm concerned that he'll kill Lisa. And it'll blow the whole Northrup camera operation wide open.

Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you, sometimes you both go hungry.

I realize the show has limitations on how many characters it can keep up with, but Paige needs some friends who aren't creepy pastors. She seems so lonely.

WHOA, good catch!

This sounds like the right read to me, too.

The inner kid-who-spent-too-much-time-in-therapy in me was cheering Phillip and Elizabeth SO HARD for setting good boundaries!

It makes toast!!!!!

And we got more Stern (Yet Tender) Bureaucrat Arkady Ivanovich tonight. Rawr.

Just give Alison Wright all the awards already. My god.

Paige isn't going to be a murdery honeypot spy like her parents. I am pretty sure the idea is for her to get a PhD in nuclear engineering, code word clearance at NSA, and pass literally everything back to her parents.

Everybody meet up in Kenya for the mission trip!

Oh my god, did Trump destroy the USFL on Moscow Centre's orders?!?

It's definitely a lot of threads, but they've done multi-season plots before. I'd rather watch a show like this that trusts me to remember the whole situation. Literally any other show would be spoon-feeding narrative into our ears.

And Hans, and Lisa & Maurice.