
Tired is not how I would describe Jay-Z after hearing Bam. The Life of OJ video is very much a strong visual aspect of this album, with Romanek reappropriating sambo images with Jay's Brooklyn swagger was genius. This album is a fantastic addition to his already amazing catalogue. I've been waiting for this Jay

The reviewer must hate this show, tbh.

This episode is an A+. In the midst of being experimental and batshit crazy season they drop the heaviest piece of character development in the shows history. I thought Dee's pregnancy would be that moment for the show and I'm glad it finally stepped up to the plate and took Mac's identity seriously. New Sunny is much

I loved that he was giving himself handshakes before his set a la Eddie Murphy's Delirious.

I admit the "cumming" punchline did make me laugh, but I was also smoking a blunt while watching. I feel like this show hates its characters, or at the most has absolutely no concern with character. Around season 2/3 this show had a ton of potential, but here we are in the last season and the dudes are jerking off a

Atlanta's version of the anxious-expensive dinner is much nicer in comparison.

The past few seasons have been delightfully experimental but S12 has been all Dennis and I couldn't ask for more. Sure, the ending of Old Lady House is on the nose (as was Wolf Cola), but the transparency doesn't get in the way of the jokes or break the "world', I think it builds on it. In fact, It makes more sense

This makes a lot of sense.

"Let me get you a real drink."
"Is this Hennessy?"

"Niggas know I drink juice" had my dying. Darius and Paperboi are great but Donald's performance has been solid from the jump.

The cereal commercial was fucking perfect. The way the cop calls the little girl, "Sir" really resonated with me.

I thought this episode was hilarious, although the Dodge setup fell flat for me. I absolutely loved the rhythm of Paperboi's Kaitlyn Jenner conversation, the little beat after "freedom of speech, shit" was nicely done. "You hate women!"…"Nigga what?"

My jaw dropped when Van said, "you look like an Instagram escort." Jayde's, "I love you" is probably the most sincere thing she says all night. This show is dead-on with it's use of weed as a tool to bring old friends back together from rough patches. Having the kid in whiteface is a bold choice and admittedly I

The bridge scene is my favorite Indiana Jones moment ever.

This season really dropped the ball on the two most interesting venture bros plotlines, Hank dating the daughter of a Kingpin and Dean with nanobots in his body. I pray they're building up to something because this is not fun at all.

Nerds were white people's black people for 80s comedy.

Tyresius's eyes, or lack thereof, made my stomach turn. I hope we never see that character again. Everything else was A+, loved the robot battle.

Racists for Trump was nicely done. The Champ really did make me miss The Lonely Island.


Starting to get the feeling that the Blue Morpho/Dr Venture issue wont get solved this season, it feels a little large to just solve so quickly (even though that's the rhythm this whole season has had). The last two episodes have been hilarious but I can understand the skepticism, the Venture Bros always felt like it