
I doubt that. Lynch seems to be a mensch and very generous with other artists, but QT has a history of being a prick about Lynch. If Tarantino's even on Lynch/Frost's radar, I don't see them emulating him as some kind of honorific.

Jacoby could be vaguely a doppelganger/parallel to the Woodsman who commandeered the 1950s radio station. Broadcasts crazy shit, but instead of mesmerizing people and fomenting evil, Jacoby helps people lead better lives.
Of course that still doesn't she'd any light on who it is Margaret felt necessary to warn Hawk

Gersten says something along the lines of "no, she did it. You didn't do anything. You were stoned" (I'm paraphrasing obviously). That makes me think that either Becky (or some other "she", i.e., "what did she give you?") got high with Steven and did something that hurt a third party, and he either abetted or thinks

He doesn't even have anything interesting to say, just whinges and moans.

It didn't seem too bad from what I saw, I can see that they might get a little defensive over there sometimes.
Honestly, I find several of the posters here to be puzzingly aggressive (and frequently way off-base) but I have no qualms about blocking accounts that are either assholes or too dumb to countenance a

Did I imply he doesn't do a great job?

Well, that's disappointing. I don't comment much anyway though, so I guess I'll take a peek over there.

Well, shit.
That explains some things.

I just rewatched Missing Pieces this weekend. There's a scene where Lucy's talking to Andy over one of those desktop intercom thingies, and when he comes up from the basement or wherever he is she flips out at seeing him.
Basically, Lucy's not too on the ball when it comes to non-landline technology.

Why on earth would they switch to kinja? Disqus has its issues, but half the comment section post-kinja is going to be people bitching that they can't get out of the grays. In other words, kinja sucks.
Any recomendations as to other good spots for online discussion? Some posters have mentioned the show's sub-reddit is

Maybe he's read the atrociously bad TP recaps on EW.

There's something in the shit turning the frogs gay, maaaaaaan!
I honestly don't understand how anyone takes AJ seriously.
Dr. Amp is a shill but he at least seems to like people. He's more of a charming eccentric than an unhinged performance artist.

GoT at this point not only suffers mightily from comparison to TP (yeah, yeah, different shows, different genres), it's just straight up BAD.

Jade. Ruby. Are there other gemstone-named women in the universe of the show?

There's a guy in my office who looks EXACTLY like Charlie, and it really weirds me out.

You may be, but that's one of the many delicious things about Peaks (and all of Lynch's work, in my opinion), it's a hell of a ride and endless fun to speculate.

I definitely thought right away that Otis looks like a younger version of the thumbs-up bellhop, but I have no idea what to make of it.
I can't recall- was Buella smoking?

Do you want a cookie?


Same thing's happened to me. Not sure if it's a temporary disqus glitch?