Eh, why not? Though my rig needs some TLC, I looked it up, and my Surface Pro 2 should be able to run it.
Eh, why not? Though my rig needs some TLC, I looked it up, and my Surface Pro 2 should be able to run it.
I know it's easy to push something small like that off. I am living proof of brushing the little things aside.
if you're talking about personality types, probably. It's been awhile since I've looked at the Myers-Briggs personality types. Why the inquiry?
Bah. Ancillary should be changed to integral, but that is what I get for commenting from my phone.
PSA: Everyone should download Keepaas and have it automatically generate all of your passwords.
Not having much connection to Blizzard's franchises, I fear the humor would be wasted on me if I started playing this. Oh well...back to Xenoverse!
With something like Keepass, you could store the master password for the encrypted password database offsite. Then use Keepass to generate your passwords for everything else (I.e. Facebook, Google, etc.).
Keepass is beautiful. If only the users in my company could be trusted to use it...
I work in IT, and security is often times considered unimportant or secondary to making money when it should be considered ancillary.
Valve does what they want. I have other things to do while I wait for Hat Life 3.
I would hat this hat so much. Team Hat 3 would hat my hat hat hathathathathaaaaaaaaat *dies*
Ha! You don't see 10000 games submitted to the Windows phone app store, clogging the arteries of the market. Nope, not that much garbage at all...
That's amusing.
Can an old (that enjoyed Red/Blue as a kid) casually get into Ruby/Sapphire? I have a nostalgic itch to scratch.
Sorry if the humor got lost in translation.
Oculus still hasn't really captured my imagination yet, but everyone tells me it's something that should be experienced rather than read about. Any thoughts on the tech?
Unfortunately, that army spans across nine worlds and various platforms and chasms... :'(
Unfortunately, the army will span over nine worlds worth of platforms and chasms... :'(
I'm terrible at most platformers, but my wife crushes these old games. While my first console (at age 12) was the n64, she was on the SNES wrecking DKC and SMW.
Are you going to give the new Secret Six any love, Evan?