I could do the legwork myself, but does anyone have thoughts on how this stacks up against Star Citizen?
I could do the legwork myself, but does anyone have thoughts on how this stacks up against Star Citizen?
I do not have the willpower to play games with these self-imposed restrictions. Even the feature is not taken away (like when I removed the HUD in Skyrim with a mod), I will use it.
I'll point out that death in Zombie U is, at least narratively, an interesting twist on the mechanic of death in videogames. While it's technically only an inconvenience, it's framed differently than most games.
So by my understanding, Commander Keen is considered an appreciated platformer?
so why does IE still receive so much hate? Current version of the browser works pretty well.
I lost my daughter last May (she was 18 months old). Games are just another thing on my endless list of things we never got to do together.
Chris, you forgot one
They are criminals sent on suicidal missions. If they do survive, they get time removed from their sentence.
My daughter very unexpectedly passed away in May, and I would be lying if I said my wife and I hadn't discussed divorce. Marriage suffers a lot under normal amounts of stress, and at 28, the death of a child feels insurmountable. It's not like we hate each other, but after suffering through this, it's hard to be in…
I played this too much over the weekend. If anyone would like to smash, drop your Nintendo ID here.
If hats are available, can you give your hats a hat?
I haven't barfed since I was 12, because I am an adult.
You get an appreciation for how grief works after tragedy hits. People are all going to deal with it differently. I've been back at work since my daughter passed, but my wife is at home with our two month old. The disparity in how we've both dealt with this is unsurprising (for lack of a better word).
I lost my 19 month old daughter in May, but my grief isn't yours. I can only imagine how fucked up you must feel. My condolences and sympathy.
You forgot toilet water, dog.
You should try Secret Six in December. The original series was also penned by Simone, and it was awesome.