
This is equity, not equality and it’s shameful. Give everybody an equal shot and hey, if you end up with 100% women that’s fine. Do not appoint to fill a gap.

Cause internet comments should be warm fuzzies? Just filter through the BS, it’s noise - nothing else.

What an excellent way to win over the sympathy of the public. Just like what happened in Ottawa/Montreal here. Yeah, block the roads and throw shit at people. What wonderful people.

I get that she was upset by being left in the dark, I really do. She did, however, throw a hissy fit temper tantrum, and had to take a time out.

just for completeness

oops! I totally remember that the other way around! What I remember was that even though yes, then bushes were covered, that the toilet seat positinon made no significant difference.

mythbusters busted that one. total BS. not sure how people think that flushing a toilet magically spews germs..........

Called it. Don’t get involved in shady shit people.

About 10 years ago my wife (then girlfriend) and I were out at a family bonfire / snowmobile trip. My FIL asked if I wanted to try his new (to him) Pantera. So me and the wife go on, me driving. Turned the bars, and the throttle hit my leg, sending us into a beautifully restored Polaris belonging to her uncle. I have

Can I get one for my daily driver to handle cyclists for me? Plz?

It’s weird there are still separate bathrooms for gender at all. Change rooms I can see, but bathrooms? Why can’t a woman poop next to me? Do women get all weird when they walk in to see a dude at a urinal?

Her comedy just doesn’t do it for me personally, so I generally avoid her movies. That being said, I love the Jackass movies, so wtf do I know?

Dude has some serious issues.

Probably because he cheated...or maybe he isn’t a vengeful, shitty person. But yeah, jump to conclusions about the dude cause he doesn’t want her money. Classy Gawker.

It’s like when kids go running to their teacher “he hit meeee.”

This is the first I’ve ever heard of someone not using a “top sheet” I actually didn’t know it was even a thing to not have one. Interesting.. like a whole new world opened up to me.

very gross. agreed.

No idea. For now it’s a great commuter car, and will eventually be replaced by some kind of kid hauler once the time comes. Until then I just hope to only do the routine maintenance and keep piling on the hwy kms.

Although we still fundamentally disagree, thanks for actually providing some insight.

I think you misinterpreted my point. Bringing age of consent into this is not what I intended.