
Are you not using the social good argument? Do you acknowlege there are similarities between the two? Is the complexity of the dissolution of marriage between multiple parties enough cause to keep it illegal?

But isn’t that the same argument that was used against same sex marriage? “Why can’t they just live together?” “They just want the benefits!” “The courts will be tied up!” “Think of the children!”

I understand where you’re coming from and I’m not saying there wouldn’t be a myriad of problems. All I’m saying is that I’m in the camp that believes consenting adults should be able to do whatever, as long as it doesn’t interfere with any of others’ rights and freedoms.

Not sure why three consenting adults can’t enter into marriage together...That dude has major balls though. The odds of at least one wife being angry at any given time are like 100%.

It’s too bad. My wife commutes in the ‘13 Dart and loves it dearly. It’s been 75,000 km with no issues yet. It’s really too bad it never got traction in the market.

I agree with a lot of your points. What I’m saying is that a lot of issues could be addressed by improving the way in which funding and relief gets to the people who actually need it. The desire to change and better needs to come from the people themselves. This applies to more than just the topic at hand. If you want


There needs to be some responsibility on those on the reservation. A lot of the reason they have nothing is because they literally destroy shit. If you want a better community, maybe the first steps need to come from within it.

Then, as a band leader you steal from your own people, and cry for more money at every opportunity.

You speak the truth, and people do not want to hear it. The corruption on the reservations is just amazing. All you have to do is spend a bit of time on the reserve to see what’s really going on, and it’s scary.

“You want $15/hr, do something that commands $15/hr.”

A lot of things I like doing are better in a garage! =)

Foos ranked too low. Bunch of buddies played 2 on 2 foosball for a weekend.

Do it. Don’t rob your kid of an amazing memory! You’ll talk about it over beers down the road and laugh.

Wonderful news for NY workers.

Or you could, you know, just hit from the white tees. nobody forces you to use the reds, which are now regarded as beginner tees anyways.

oh ffs..

Both parties are totally fucked beyond repair.

Yes, and by rebuilding his life, increase his earning potential to both expedite repayment and better provide for his children.

I agree with your comment here. I will admit that the current systems may not be easily navigated, and may be one-sided.