
I have the same shifter knob in my truck. It did take some time to get used to, but I love it now. Seriously helps declutter the interior.

His story is not a new one. There are systems in place for this. He still has a responsibility to earn enough to provide for his children. Find a way. If writing only bring in $10k a year, do something else. Christ, do SOMETHING.

The point is - Provide for your GD kids and if that means you work 60+ hour weeks shoveling shit you do it. You can’t rely on selling finger paintings to support your children.

Says someone with seemingly zero experience on how decisions like this get made.

I’ll give Trump one thing - he speaks his mind. Through all his BS it’s refreshing to see a politician just say what they actually think.

1) Buy costco box of tampons

Just another way which the US has lost its appetite for innovation.

Totally agree...but this is you are supposed to shit your pants because its FEMALE Ghostbusters!!!!! How edgy and original it is.

Maybe it’s because of my REALLY rural upbrining, but like.. it’s just a cat/dog. Yeah you love it and stuff, but you don’t spend major cash on medical bills cause you know.. there are like 6 more cats in the barn and besides, you’re sure last week there were 10 in there. Dogs are a bit different, but really, if old

Yeah, I grew up going to the United Church in Canada. It’s barely a church, and more similar to a community group who also talks about Jesus sometimes. Made it a hell of a lot easier for me to shed religion entirely. The Catholic Church down the road however.. my god what a difference.

I’ve known two type of gun owners.

I am not a bike guy, but god damn those are nice.

An old friend’s ‘86 Trans Am was the best smelling car I have ever been in.

Totally agree. If you want to be absolutely sure you have a numbers matching vehicle, etc etc by all means bring a professional!

Long story short is to know what to look for. If you don’t know, bring someone who does.

If he makes it further and further, I foresee a deep resentment forming..

We have a ‘13 Dart, and it’s a wonderful car. I’m sad to hear it’s heading out.

Dear Snow Gods,

I’d say most career politicians, on both sides, don’t give two shits about anything that wouldn’t win them votes. Every word that comes out of their mouths has been strategically selected for this purpose.

Meh, stuff breaks. Autocross, F1, NASCAR, truck pull, tug-of-war, you name it, things break.