Wait.. this is a truck article on Jalopnik... we’re all supposed to be yelling about what the customer needs vs wants. Sure you want a big ls, but what you really need to do no towing or hauling is a briggs.
Wait.. this is a truck article on Jalopnik... we’re all supposed to be yelling about what the customer needs vs wants. Sure you want a big ls, but what you really need to do no towing or hauling is a briggs.
“military grade” or other meaningless claims.
When I worked for my town in highschool, one of my various jobs was to go unclog/fix the various toilets at the various municipal buildings. The WORST horror-show washrooms we were called to were the women’s...particularly at the local pool. I have never in my life seen such atrocities. People usually think men are…
You’re way too rational, you’re supposed to write in all caps that he’s the devil himself and shouldn’t have the right to a defense.
Practice, take your time, and drive defensively.
I think that was made perfectly clear with the sunbelt expansion...
I really don’t like leather seats.. not because of peta bs, but because they give me MAJOR swamp ass.
Agree with your first part, but not with the extension. It’s kinda like saying there should be no credit for much of anything.
Between my ‘13 dart and my ‘13 ram, the ram is less to insure. It was a surprise to me too. It’s also less than my parents ‘15 escape.
My boss drives a Porsche, never uses the car to it’s fullest ability. Just cruises to and from home. Same argument.
Me last Tuesday with a snowmobile in the bed. Picked up a nail on the 416. Just made it to the next exit before my rear right went flat. Jack under the seat, spare under the truck. Easy as pie.
It’s because they have a hate-hard-on for full size trucks. They love to scream “LOL WHO NEEDS THAT” but justify sports cars as family vehicles. They bring up the same dick waving arguments time and time again, and rant on about compensation.
I see this as the truck for truck haters. The guy who rolls his eyes at anyone driving a full size and constantly questions “why do you need so much truck?” But hey, whatever floats your boat right? It’s a neat idea.
Which god is best god?
I’ve been an independent contractor many times before. I didn’t mean to say that it’s right what the NFL/others are doing.
Yeah, that’s what I see happening too. Just be upfront with the position, and make it more of a hobby. I bet they still wouldn’t have a problem filling the positions if the girls had to PAY to be on the team.
Yeah, but a mil in the NFL is like finding a buck on the street to you and I.
US Parents Are Doing a Remarkably Terrible Job Parenting should really be the headline. Why would you let the US school system, who has continually demonstrated its incompetence, teach your children about sex?
Still on regular CityTV here in Canada. =)