everyone get off your high horse and think for one second: BLOOD IS BLOOD. I don't want it on or near me no matter where it comes from.
everyone get off your high horse and think for one second: BLOOD IS BLOOD. I don't want it on or near me no matter where it comes from.
this is obviously the reality if everyone would stop knee-kerking and think for one second.
verbally attacked maybe. isolated physical violence, maybe. beaten, stoned and imprisoned all while being condoned by the government and its religious leaders? No.
how do you define oppression? if a woman spends her whole life being dominated by men, being forced to behave in very specific and very harmful ways, and has no concept of other value systems that allow women to drive and vote and leave the house without their husband, and still claims she's not oppressed, is she? The…
I'm not saying that Christian and Jewish (and countless other religions) women can't be persecuted. I'm saying that Christian and Jewish women are not required by onerous theocratic laws in western countries to wear certain things or engage in certain behaviors like they are in several of Muslim countries. I don't…
we can talk about history until we're all hoarse, but that doesn't change the fact that there are women RIGHT NOW being persecuted in the Muslim world for a variety of reasons, but all of which have to do with sexism (which like someone pointed out above is condoned by the government).
haha yes that is what I meant. I couldn't edit for some reason.
just because a man isn't necessarily ordering a woman to wear a hijab doesn't mean that her society is pressuring her to do so. that seems somewhat obvious to me.
it's truly bizarre you say Nashville, because that's where this dude is.
I acknowledge that these aren't actually supposed to be worn, but I still don't get the point of stuff like this.
this is so comically wrong-headed I don't even know where to begin.
any large city in the south is probably a better option than rural parts.
one of my roommates friends is very stereotypically "hipster" (ugh)... lots of tats/piercings, pretty liberal worldview, etc. Nevertheless, he argued for like, a long time about how he's allowed to use the n-word because he's from Detroit (?!).
and people in the north wonder why everyone else thinks they're elitist.
and especially when the dance moves grotesquely objectify women.
it's a white liberal pastime.
All those comments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
Sexism and objectification are rampant and blatant in hip-hop, and no one wants to confront it.
i can't even deal with this post. i do enjoy the implication that "legal = good law" though, that's fun.