
Here’s the deal.

The purpose of the school dealing with these cases isn’t to replace a criminal trial. I don’t know why people think that’s the case. The purpose is to ensure that victims are able to successfully continue their education. All universities have a student codes of conduct that students are expected to follow, or risk

That is 100% the look my mom gave me when I would try and get a rise out of her as a 12 year old. I hope Hillary keeps that expression handy during the debates and every time Donald tries to accuse her of something ludicrous, she hits him with the withering side-eye until he stops speaking. It’s an effective tactic.

Yep. When I was a kid (I’m an old), it was “stand on the hump, hold my cigarette, and don’t spill my beer.”

As they’re not a criminal system, universities aren’t obliged to follow the “beyond reasonable doubt” standard and are free to make findings on the balance of probabilities. So in a “he said/she said”, they have to decide whether they’re going to believe the story of the accused or the victim. Let’s accept that 10%

WHAT. Our earthquake drill was:

Weird and useless. They opened the curtains maybe three times a year and even then there was no point because it was to show movies to the entire ‘block’ of classes on three different synced TVs since you still had to have one per class or kids couldn’t see.

Fire drills were the best. Tornado drills were so boring, and there was always the possibility our safe place would be the boys’ bathroom. Nobody wants to get on their knees with their nose on the floor. Plus, fire drills were always fake and we got quite a few actual tornadoes.

Funny. I grew up in between, in the 80s, so we only did fire and tornado drills because we all assumed Ronnie was going to blow up the planet any day now anyway, so why bother drilling for that one?

Not exactly? She says she felt violated and that “the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent.” But she says she doesn’t consider it criminal rape.

Maybe this is a regional dialect thing, but out here on the Left Coast a crawlspace is the area under the house, above the dirt but below the floor. What he’s in would be either an attic, a chase, or an old mechanical room, although it’s hard to determine which of those things it is from the photos.

Drunk enough to go home with a guy who lives in a crawl space but not drunk enough that you couldn’t climb up the ladder to said crawl space.

How drunk am I in this hypothetical?

I phrased poorly. It’s not that I want people knocking down Ivana’s door to interview her or for her to talk about something that she’s not comfortable talking about. It’s more that I wish the existence of the allegations were enough to make Trump unelectable (I understand that this is naive of me). But his supporters

I believe Ivana’s allegations (since retracted after a payout and now buried behind NDA’s) that Trump raped her. I fully believe Trump is capable of *anything* for purposes of punishment/revenge/dominance displays.

While the image of Trump behind bars is soothing, yeah this sounds too weird even for him. Just hoping there’s not an actual assault victim being used in a scam or something.

I remember riding a bus carrying my baby niece as a teen. I was so excited to take her out. But man carrying them like that is hard on the back. Not a single mofo on the bus would offer me a seat. Like they were judging me for being a teen mom. Ever since then I have given mine up while simultaneously giving the evil

First kid, I was a daily commuter and got offered a seat once. I was so shocked I stuttered a reply of thanks. I had a lot of other funny experiences on crowded trams though, my favourite being the university student that stood next to me and rested his heavy backpack on my belly as if he didn’t notice the sudden

Yeah, the weirdest experience in pregnancy was how ONLY OTHER MOMS would give me their seats. Like, no, I don’t want to take a seat from you. That callow youth there, I want his seat.

Australia’s probably just trying to deal with all the deadly wildlife inhabiting the continent.