1. Rubbernecking.
1. Rubbernecking.
That's just your inner Caswell speaking. My elders once told me to listen carefully to that voice...
For your browsing pleasure, our statesite rally car classifieds.
When I have a kid, I want to work really hard at making his/her first word "Brains". That way I'll have a little zombie walking around my house for a while.
Was this preparing your head for yesterday's drive with Mr. Vettel, or was this a punishment from your jealous editor peers for going on said drive with Mr. Vettel?
Saw this one on one of my travels in LA.
That's quite the pose for a lowly Volkswagon. Cheers to you good sir.
Follow up question of the day: How many cow's died to make that leather suit?
1) The riding season in Seattle is 3 months, in a good year. The hardcore guys at work argue that all the time, but my fair weather opinion stands.
This kid had so much potential for great things...
Hell yeah, most of these are in WA! Too bad I sold the Evo last year...
Yeah, this would have been at least 10 times better if I had remembered the last little bit.
Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius
A great way to protect yourself is to follow the steps on [www.xbox.com] (Xbox.com/security). The strong proofs, specifically attaching a phone number to your Windows Live account, will lock down your account from most of these tactics.
Winn-ah! That is one lucky dude.
Petter Solberg Crash - Rally Deutschland 2004.
The more variables in the race, the better, as long as the teams have ample opportunity or funding to compete. Rather, that races don't become dominated by a single team constantly, which makes things boring.