
What a worthless review. If you're going to have such a negative headline, then at least explain your reasons why fully in your review. You simply recap the episode as if your readers are brain dead children with no meaningful discussion as to why the episode fails. I've read many reviews that explain arguments well

Just no to Ignatiy's write up here. No.

thats the point

I think AA Dowd is totally missing the point of a Marvel film in 2017 when he says it's weaker because of the franchise tie-ins. At this point in the MCU, the films are as much about the hero's own story as they are about how the hero relates to the MCU's main narrative and characters.

I wonder when AA Dowd is going to comment on Affleck as a sexual predator, rather than actor?

Shut the fuck up.

come on white men, please defend Casey's honor!!!!

Hm I think he delivered those lines fine. Also "he goes between almost goofy to incredibly menacing at the drop of the hat" is exactly how I think Jdm is playing the character. I love it.

boy, that's a dumb thing to say/think.

xuder murder?

I'm reposting my comment from the previous TWD review because again Zach Handlen brings up disliking Negan and he never made that very clear. I'm honestly curious what he thinks. It'd be cool if Zach actually replied to this.

Wait, idk if anyone's here now but was every surreal sequence directed by or created by Angwar and co.???

Why is the reviewer so against JDM's performance and the character? I don't understand it. The review doesn't clearly give evidence, just vague statements.

This doesn't mean I don't agree with Sava's criticisms because I totally understand some of them (not the "Jax arc is weak" one but still, some). I'm just not thinking too deeply about the problems when watching the episode.

I can never tell how serious critics take their own reviews. Is Sava stating the episode can't be enjoyed as if it's a fact? Sometimes even when a show isn't constructed that well (this show), people who are emotional and connect to characters's through empathy and who dislike critically watching a show (that's me

I hope the people who get mad at AV Club for posting these stories, or any story related to feminism really, realize that AV Club doesn't give a shit about you or your stupid fucking opinions. You're just screaming into a void.

Honestly, the show is largely hollow and ineffective and has been for quite awhile now but GOOD LORD (FOR ME) NEGAN'S REVEAL, SPEECH, AND CHOOSING A VICTIM WAS ONE OF THE MOST INTENSE SEQUENCES THE SHOW HAS PUT TOGETHER.
Granted, it went on a liiiittle too long and not showing victim is honestly a cheap trick BUT THAT

Oliver Sava's reviews are sort of like a toddler ranting. "I like stuff cause it's cool. Yay!"

if you actually believed Darly was killed, why not talk about it in the review?

A.A. Dowd