Gold Lion

My guess is this: They had a fight about something — anything — and both guys have plausible arguments that the other guy started it or touched him first. Paul gets beaten up badly and is embarrassed, but frames it as an attack and hopes it goes away. But when it turns out that his injuries are pretty severe and that

Well, one thing that’s going on is that Rand Paul is exactly the libertarian asshole of a neighbor that you would expect him to be. As the developer of the gated community that Rand lives in has said, Paul is the kind of guy who moves in to a development with a 13-page covenant on rights and restrictions that everyone

Yeah... no. Liars will lie even when confronted with the facts. Sometimes you just suspect you are being lied to, but need some actual hard evidence to prove you aren’t just being paranoid when dealing with a habitual liar. I dated a woman who I suspected was lying to me about all sorts of weird stuff, but from my

I mean, “Virginia and Minnesota Elect Openly Transgender Women as State and City Legislators” is also pretty dang good. 

not on a plane, but my ex and i drove a few hours to my college roommate’s wedding and he was acting really weird in the car. once we checked into the hotel (~2 hours before the wedding), he got in the shower and i looked in his phone. the last conversation with a “female friend” included a history of RAUNCHY sexting.

I have a coworker (who works in the marketing department, of course) who misuses it CONSTANTLY. At this point I feel like she is intentionally chipping away at my sanity.

I disagree but admit it’s not the most noble. The cheater is almost always not going to come clean until they are faced with the evidence, so I think going nuclear with only suspicion of cheating is a bit nutty. When I found the proof I was cheated on I didn’t have to snoop in any technology, but I can’t fault

Whilst I sympathize with this position and it’d definitely the “right” way to resolve it, I dunno if it’s that simple in practice, especially not if one of the partners is socially dominant or very convincing (which doesn’t make them a liar or cheating, but makes it a lot easier for them to get away with it if they

If you keep reading the Gizmodo Group sites you will give yourself a stroke if you care that much about grammar and spelling.

English teacher moment: “hurtling,” not “hurdling.” Unless the plane was leaping over fixed barriers, which would use up all the little paper bags.

Well walking away wasn’t really an option in this particular instance. Normally I really would do that.

I read somewhere else that Boucher lives alone, so I guess it is possible that Rand boinked Mrs. Boucher and broke up the Boucher marriage and she moved out. However, it would not surprise me if Boucher just finally snapped because Rand Paul was being Rand Paul. They have known each other for a long time, and perhaps

The only question is whether it’s the wife or the daughter.

No 59-year-old anesthesiologist breaks FIVE RIBS over some plants. This is sex stuff.

If the GOP has taught us anything, it’s that no one is unfuckable.

I don’t think he wants anyone digging into it, but I really think what he’s hiding is a bunch of childish behavior that might make people decide he’s a shitty neighbor who had it coming.

BOOM omg that gave me the lolz

This is a bullshit misinterpretation of Paul’s position, and frankly, it shows just how dishonest you libs are.

the two “had been known to have ‘heated discussions’ about health care.”

Poor Rand Paul; yet another victim of The Bowling Green Massacre.