Think its ridiculous or not. I don’t care? So.
Think its ridiculous or not. I don’t care? So.
I could happily work within those rules.
Can I add no golf shirts? Some men in my office are expected to wear shirts with collars. So they wear hideous, neon-colored golf shirts that are extremely unforgiving when it comes to any body shape. When you can see if someone’s got moles on their body through their shirt, that’s bad fabric.
I don’t want to tell my son that he can’t want to be like people of color. If he wants to look up to The Rock or Barack Obama and dress up like them, I don’t want to discourage that, you know? I think only good things can come of teaching our children to admire and emulate diverse heroes. My favorite Disney movies as…
I also don’t see how this is really an HR issue. Any workplace question should be sent to Ask A Manager where you will get a much better answer.
This is Dear Jane, which means one, if not more, of the answers are going to be all wrong or partially wrong. From everything I have seen it is okay to dress up as other races as long as you being respectful and not using identifiers that can be offensive.
To be fair, one of the big reasons we all decided to wear shoes in public is that you will absolutely spread germs and disease with bare feet. It is definitely unclean. A person who walks around barefoot and then like...uses the office kitchen? Going to kill us all.
I’m only half joking. Skin is like a petri dish and…
Decorum doesn’t count for shit these days, does it?
Because, I think, there’s a subtle ring of disrespect here. If not that, then certainly disregard. I think there’s something we all would rather wear to the office that we mostly cannot - shitty rockband shirts that are an inch away from clothing death, monster feet slippers, straight up pajamas, that one top that…
Where did I say anything about underwear? You invented that genitalia thing out of whole cloth
Footwear prevents the spread of whatever is on one’s feet. It also protects bare feet from injury. All it takes is one stray staple, broken piece of glass, or other sharp hazardous object for the boss to say something.
A) feet tend to pick up the most bacterial infections than any other part of the exposed body.
Counterpoint: perhaps she might develop enough self-awareness to recognize that she’s also being rude.
I’m so confused. I thought it was totally cool to dress up as someone of a different race, as long as you’re not changing your skin tone. Hell Jezebel posted about of Kristen Wiig impersonating Michael Jordan and called it the “best thing you’ll see all day.” The commenters hailed it as a great example of someone…
Usually, but sometimes there is cake.
No bare feet, please. At the beach is fine, anywhere else in public is a big fat no. It should be a health hazard in any workplace, should not have to be stated but obviously sometimes needs to be. I mean, really? In what work world is it appropriate, other than life guard? Yuk
I wouldn’t buy her slippers either. It’s not like she doesn’t know slippers exist.
If someone in my office walked around with her naked feet for all to see, I would be the one PLACING the tacks on the ground, not offering her luxurious slippers that she would likely not wear!!
Didn’t Katy Perry also write about making a fort out of sheets in one of her Russell Brand songs?