Gold Lion

These two pseudo intellects make me want to rip hairs off my own scrotum. Willow does not think that times exists? Ask her to hold her breath for 12 minutes and then get back to me....

I'm guessing that this entire article was just made solely for the purpose of showcasing this Gif.

If Curt Schilling is so smart, why isn't he rich?

Poor Curt Schilling. Baseball was the one thing he had, and now it's gone. I suspect we'll find him dead on the side of the road somewhere in the next 10 years.

A popular (and compelling) theory is that the earliest Israelite beliefs from which the Old Testament emerged weren't actually monotheistic, they were henotheistic. This means they recognized the existence of other gods (thus "Thou shalt have no other gods before me") but exclusively worshipped their own. Over time it

welp i went ahead and educated him

Because the "proof" they want is a fossil that's half-Elephant and half-Hippo because they're so dumb that's what they think evolution is.

They've all had the opportunity; libraries are everywhere. They don't actually want to learn about evolution, they just want their team to be right.

Most of them haven't actually opened that one, either. They might know a few quotes, but that doesn't mean much.

Shocking that a humble, solid major league pitcher could intelligently design himself into a loudmouthed douche with no financial acumen.

You know, he is right that no one invented the theory of relativity. Einstein was just describing a reality that already existed (for 14 billion years, in case Curt isn't clear on that part). But when you're right you're right.

We got to see Curt himself make $75 million in Rhode Island tax payer dollars evolve into $0 in only a few years. No wonder he wants to disprove it.

So he had brain cancer, right?

When you make the Pope look like an anarchist revolutionary, it's time for a reality check.


Chemo is a helluva drug?

I can't believe Curt would argue this: I mean he evolved from a douchebag in Philadelphia, to a wanker in Arizona, and then became a hollier-than-thou asshat with Boston.