Alonzo T. Calm

I saw a little documentary about an archaeologist in the 1930s who stumbled on a Nazi plot to find ancient magical relics.  Was real good stuff.  

It’s easy to become a fascist stooge when you believe in solipsistic mystical garbage.

These are the same people who complain all the time that the SJW thought police can’t take a joke.

It’s really mind blowing. They actually convinced people that the tweet was sincere and not a joke. It’s a great joke too! One that points out the hypocrisy and ambivalence of Hollywood.

Don’t disparage the good name of human garbage like that!

Cernovich is human garbage.

I guess you could say they’re Scientology’s LAPDogs.

My dad once told me a story from the old country about a guy he was acquainted with. Nice guy. Everybody thought so. Normal, respectful, upstanding fellow. One day they were talking about a recent news event: a man had been discovered to be a member of a persecuted religious minority/scapegoat, dragged to the edge of

Theroux is pretty damn fantastic at that. It never feels like he’s setting them up either - true nature just comes pouring out. I know the glasses and accent are responsible for a bit of the disarming.

I think the best of these was easily Louis Theroux’s. Just when there’s the risk of normalizing or humanizing them even just a bit, he’d subtly provide just enough of a flint so that they could set their dumpster up in flames.

Are you familiar with the phrase, “The banality of evil”? It’s the central lesson of the 20th century? That anyone can fall prey to ideology and commit atrocities? And we should examine it, polite manners and all, and that the concept that examining it is some how an endorsement/normalization is insidious? Because it

Here’s a pretty compelling argument that Luke Skywalker didn’t blow up the Death Star.

There are some monarchs I’d be happy to be under ifyouknowwhatimean.

“You People” being who? Everyone but you?

Oh thank god the only person who was ever concerned for anyone’s well being is here.

You mean you don’t remember The French Lieutenant’s Facepuncher or Dead Man Punching?

I feel like this comment was written 15 years ago.

I honestly think Steven Seagal’s career is still over.

I think viewing it as a front assumes he knows he’s acting/lying. I think people, even these creepy, criminal men in all these stories, are complex. I’m sure many of his feminist beliefs and pro-women rhetoric come from a real, genuine place of support. They just also come from a conflicted, flawed man who also did

I feel like Neo-Nazi loser is a bit redundant.

“Saddest neo-nazi loser” is up against some very stiff competition, too.