
I think it might be the other way around: David is telepathic and can move things, like in the interrogation room and the MRI machine, but the Parasite warps reality, and repeatedly erases David's memories of him. That's how David has lived with it for 30 years. And that is part of Kerry's somewhat leaden exposition

Ohh DAMN. Nevermind!

So, can we stipulate that, while it's entirely believable that Frannie woke up and saw Carrie sleeping on the floor with her gun, it is not in the realm of possibility that she KNEW THE GUN WAS LOADED, or even knows what that means. And therefore that Carrie will wake up with a punishing hangover, sit up on the bed

Exactly. In the real world, things *never* work out like they usually do…on TV. That Esmail is able to make that point within this crazy kaleidoscope TV world is one of the show's slyest, freshest achievements.

I disagree, we have to be able to trust elements of them, both elements of emotional truth and plot elements. Not everything, but some things. If *everything* is untrustworthy, then we have no reason to be invested rationally or emotionally in the show. For instance, Alison's account of Gabriel's death. We know she

also also: it's Christmas, or thereabouts, and she's "almost 3 months" pregnant. So she had to have conceived in September at the earliest. The latest they leave Montauk is the end of August. In episode 5, when Helen asks Noah if he might take the semester off, he says he "can't just ask for the fall off in July," and

By the way, another headscratcher in Noah's version: her top gets thrown in the wash with the sheets accidentally, and her bra is half-hidden on the floor near the radiator. But she doesn't ask about her bra, just the top. So she's braless under Helen's blouse?? And she doesn't care? Does she think the bra is in the

no, this can't be what happened. Or more specifically: not what they want us to believe happened. In Noah's version, they have sex, she goes into the shower, he gets dressed and changes the bed, then goes downstairs to the kitchen, cleans up the counter, and finds the test in the trash. Then she comes down in a towel,