I don’t think that’s what happened here. The teenager just thought he had dibs on the bike b/c he was riding it previously. But, once it’s docked, he has no ownership of it. He did rent it again after the dust-up ended.
I don’t think that’s what happened here. The teenager just thought he had dibs on the bike b/c he was riding it previously. But, once it’s docked, he has no ownership of it. He did rent it again after the dust-up ended.
Agreed. I watched the sister’s argument. It’s got a huge hole in it. She says her bro docked the bike at 7:19 then re-rented it at 7:25pm. OK, that leaves 6 mins when it would be available. He can’t just stand there and intimidate ppl away from “his” bike. But, that’s what he apparently did.
Bro had the bike. Docked it. Then Comrie comes and scans it and Bro says hey that’s mine. Except it wasn’t. He was staking territory.
This doesn’t add up, starting at 0:57:
“Whether she rented the bike or not is irrelevant: Comrie intentionally used her identity as a white woman to endanger the life of a Black person.”
To those of you too brain dead to read an entire article
Candace, just take the L and move on.
If this nurse was a woman of color, and got surrounded by 5 white guys literally encircling her so she had no way to exit, accusing her of stealing you would be explaining how it’s understandable for a woman, let alone a woman of color to feel stressed surrounded by white men, acting dramatic while pregnant after a…
We still don’t know that she actually rented the damn bike. All we have is a lawyer claiming to have a receipt which he won’t allow to be published and can’t be verified and appears to be more of a screenshot than an actual receipt.
It’s sad but not surprising how badly some of you want utter ruin for this woman. I’ve seen calls for her imprisonment and even death. But even losing her job, over THIS? You want vengeance, not justice.
She has receipts and the video does indicate that he was tying to grab her bike. Seems as good a time to yell at someone as any.
I think Denzel Washington is a dude with strong opinions who often finds the opportunity to express them. Very likely this can be off-putting or upsetting.
I thought she was too busy still defending Matt Lauer’s rapist ass anyway. Go away Katie.
Now Im the first person who would say, people should not look towards celebrity for opinion, politics or advice. But this is really bad, like:
They don’t give a shit about Jesus. They only want someone pro-business and anti-human.
The only reason he was forced to pull Miers is because the hard right was afraid she wasn’t sufficiently right-wing enough.
Fox News has always been at war with Heather Childers.
Yes, women are frequently (usually?) unnerved when accosted by unknown men in isolated locations. It’s part of our ”training” to stay alive. BUT any woman who was truly frightened in a situation like that would have gotten the hell out of there ASAP and gotten herself to an area where there were other people. She…
All the attacks on Ms. Cooper assume she feigned terror to hurt Mr. Cooper for interfering with her white privilege.
Before his video went viral, Mr. Cooper described the incident on Facebook. He wrote: